
Learning From Franklin Graham’s Prayer at RNC 2024 – Charisma News

The Republican National Convention was held this past week in Milwaukee, Wisconsin. The Democratic convention is scheduled for August in Chicago, Illinois. Franklin Graham, son of famous evangelist Billy Graham and president/CEO of the Billy Graham Evangelistic Association, was invited to give the traditional invocation on the event’s fourth and final night. I think we can learn from Graham’s approach and prayer.

Prayer and Politics

Author and prophetic voice Jennifer LeClaire noted four truths about prayer and politics that formed a biblical foundation for Graham’s RNC remarks and prayer:

  1. God can turn the hearts of kings (Prov. 21:1). In America’s case, that translates to political leaders. Our prayers for godly counsel to surround political leaders empower the Holy Spirit to move.
  2. Interceding for those in authority is a biblical command (1 Tim. 2:1-2).
  3. Pray urgently for all elected leaders (Eph. 6:12).
  4. Pray for leaders who don’t know Christ to be born again (1 Tim. 2:3-4).

Prayer In a Secular Setting

At the RNC’s closing event, Graham began his meaningful remarks by blunting  any “church/state” criticism by assuring attendees he was invited to and was  participating in the secular event “as a private citizen who loves this country.” His religious remarks and purposeful prayer preceded performances by Hulk Hogan and Kid Rock.

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Reflecting on the failed assassination of former President Donald J. Trump, Graham said he believes Trump survived because of “divine intervention.” This was an often-repeated expression throughout the convention. One pastor from Detroit called the bullet’s close call a “millimeter miracle.”

Franklin said, “President Trump had a near-death experience, no question. But God spared his life. And when we go through those experiences, it changes us. It can cause us to examine our lives and to reevaluate our priorities, as you should.” Even media commentators acknowledged Trump as seeming more “serene and spiritual.”

Graham asked the audience to stand before his invocation “as we call upon the name of the God of heaven.” Indeed, this was a prayer to our common Creator God, around whom all faiths could unite.

Petition for Providential Grace

He gratefully acknowledged God for the provision He has given to the United States of America. “Sadly, as a nation, we have forgotten who is responsible for all the freedoms, liberties and bounty we enjoy. It has all come from You. Thank You!”

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After thanking God for sparing the life of the former president, Franklin prayed for the others who were shot in the assassination attempt in rural Pennsylvania. He prayed for the Corey Comperatore family, who lost their loved one: “Put Your loving arms around them, comfort them, and may they sense Your presence.”

The evangelist confessed that our nation is in trouble and needs God’s help: We’re divided politically, racially, economically, with millions of people seeking refuge and hope in our dry and thirsty land. You’re the only one who can fix the complexity of the problems we face today.”

Graham also petitioned God for Trump: “Give him wisdom, strength, and a clear vision for this nation’s future and the task at hand. Continue to protect him from his enemies. I pray that You would surround him with men and women who will give him sound counsel and guidance.”

He acknowledged that God’s Word instructs us to:

Pray for the leaders of our nation, whether they’re Republican, Democrat or Independent. We know that all authority comes from You. You are a great God, and we ask that if it be Thy will, You make America great once again. And we ask that You unite our hearts and bring us together: One nation under God, indivisible, with liberty and justice for all.”

Jesus Is Exalted

Graham carefully concluded this otherwise ecumenical prayer by saying, “We pray this in the mighty name of my Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ, the King of kings and the Lord of Lords. Amen.”

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Gary Curtis served for 27 years as part of the pastoral staff of The Church on The Way, the First Foursquare Church of Van Nuys, California. Since retirement in 2016, he has continued to blog at Gary and his wife live in Southern California and have two married daughters and five grandchildren.

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