
Witches Plan to Bind Trump with Spells – Intercessors for America

Reading Time: 4 minutes

With America’s rising tide of paganism, including self-proclaimed witches and first-time spellcasters, evil is becoming more palpable. This year, spellcasters are openly performing “magical binding” rituals against former President Donald Trump and “all those who abet him” during the last waning crescent moon on August 3 at 10:10 p.m. EST.

During the previous moon cycle, the very last crescent moon fell on July 4, 2024.

The “Bind Trump” Facebook group is a 6,200-member online community that uses witchcraft to promote progressive politics and social change. Members conducted “magical bindings” during the last waning crescent moon of each moon cycle throughout Trump’s presidency in 2017-2021. These bindings occurred at 11:59 p.m.

Spellcasters considered Trump’s 2017-2021 presidency a “dark time” and cast magical spells as a way to “take back power” from an “out-of-control” administration. This year, Trump’s candidacy ignited spellcasters with a renewed interest in the rituals, which include calling upon a preferred spirit or deity to bind Trump, and repeating “you’re fired” three times while burning an unflattering photo of the former president. “Raucous, mocking laughter” is included throughout the ritual.

Next Ritual Dates for 2024

August 3
September 1
October 1
October 31 (Halloween)
November 30
December 29

What is a “magical binding?”

The Bind Trump group leader, Michael M. Hughes, author of Magic for the Resistance: Rituals and Spells for Change, says that binding spells are not meant to harm Trump, but to stop him from harming others. Hughes distinguishes binding from cursing and hexing in that it is not intended to harm the target.

A secondary purpose of the binding spells is to erase internal tension as a form of “self-exorcism” and to serve as a calming, energizing, motivational mechanism for the community. One practitioner, Matthew Gault, explained, “Anger brings people together in ways sometimes hope can’t.”

How can we pray and think biblically about “Bind Trump”?

  1. Pray that the LORD would guard Trump from harming others (as well as from being harmed).

The Bible strongly warns against occult practices (Exod. 22:18, Lev. 19:26). Spellcasters are “an abomination” to the LORD, according to Deuteronomy 18:10-12. Additionally, the angry, mocking attitude behind the Bind Trump rituals is sinful too. (Ps. 1:1, Eph. 5:4) That said, the spellcasters’ concern that Trump may harm others is a valid concern.

As Christians, we can pray that the Holy Spirit would keep Trump from evil. We can seek the Lord on Trump’s behalf so that he would not be a stumbling block or cause any harm to others–even with his mouth. (James 3:2) Intercession is a protective shield for attacks from the devil. By interceding, we fortify Trump against these attacks, helping him to stay strong.

An IFA article by Board Member Larry Tomczak emphasized the importance of civility, referencing the phrase “with malice toward none” in Abraham Lincoln’s Second Inaugural address. In this same vein, we can pray that God would guard Trump’s mind and heart from any malice as he navigates this precarious election season. Pray according to Isaiah 55:6-7 for Trump: “Seek the Lord while He may be found; call upon Him while He is near. Let the wicked forsake his way and the unrighteous man his thoughts.”

  1. Pray for HOPE to replace the spirit of unrighteous anger.

Suggested Prayer: Father God, we pray for those in the occult arts who are consumed by the spirit of unrighteous anger. We ask for conviction as it pertains to the spirit of anger operating in their lives. We ask that you would bind the spirit of anger in the mighty name of Jesus Christ. We know that they are separate from Christ and “strangers to the covenants of promise;” therefore, they have no hope. (Eph. 2:12) But we pray that they would encounter You, the “God of Hope” (Rom. 5:5, 15:13), and that their anger would vanish as they realize that You alone offer hope as the anchor for the soul (Heb. 6:19). Bind our nation’s wounds. Amen.

  1. Pray that spellcasters and Christ-followers alike would correctly identify our true enemy.

We know Satan is our true adversary and he is ultimately the one who will be supernaturally bound by God. (1 Pet. 5:8, Rev. 20:1-3) The need for discernment amid rage-filled rhetoric is crucial. Pray that the emotions of Americans would be aligned to God’s emotions–that what angers/grieves Him would anger/grieve us. Pray that our nation would handle anger in healthy ways. “Be angry yet do not sin.” (Eph. 4:26) Pray, too, that the Body of Christ would not be a community of mockers. May we be salt and light because we refuse to mock our opponents. (Ps. 1:1)

  1. Praise God that there is no darkness too dark where His Presence cannot illuminate. (Ps. 139)

The waning crescent moon phase of the moon cycle is closest to the next new moon, a time of pitch darkness. For those in the occult arts, the crescent moon connects with the concept of releasing and banishing negative energy, offering “permission” to embrace darkness and signifying decay, destruction and renewal. As those who walk in the light, we as the Church can pray that what Satan intends to steal, kill and destroy will instead be turned into an opportunity for Jesus Christ to bring light and life. (John 10:10, Eph. 5:8)

As you pray, battle with victory:

  • Enter His Presence with Praise! (Judg. 10:18)
  • Confess known and unknown sin, and any fear. (John 13:10; 2 Tim. 1:7).
  • Don spiritual armor and garments of the High Priest (Eph. 6: 10-12; Ex. 28).
  • Forgive all those who knowingly or unknowingly promote witchcraft now and even in the long-ago.
  • Pray for the Lord’s angels to protect the prayer time. (Matt. 8:28-34).
  • Ask the Lord to reveal the spirits to battle. (Prov. 21:31)
  • In the Name of the Lord Jesus Christ, bind [name the spirits the Lord reveals] and ask the Holy Spirit to fill the spaces vacated by these evil spirits. (Matt. 12:29; Mark 5:1-20, Mark 9:25; 2 Kings 1: 9-16).
  • Ask God to remove anything blinding the people of the Lord. (Eccl. 4:12).
  • Decree Job 22:28, You will also declare a thing, and it will be established for you; so light will shine on your ways.
  • Close with praise to the Lord.

Photo by Douglas P. DeFelice/Getty Images.

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