Yes, There Is a Spiritual War Going On

We see all over the world, especially in the West, people being given over to their sin. The sacrilegious and …

The Preeminent Subject of Preaching

Oh fellow believers, the gospel is the great treasure of the Christian faith with which we have been entrusted (2 …

Imprecatory Praising

We are not to gloat, make fun of, ridicule, rejoice over, etc., our enemy. In other words, we do not …

3 Ways Feminism Laid the Groundwork for Transgenderism

“Gender” tinkering came to a head in 1949 with Simone de Beauvoir’s statement: “One is not born, but rather becomes …

Finding Joy in the Ordinary

Pausing to recognize the unremarkable should help remind us that even when we do routine things, we are still privileged …

Don’t Underestimate Protestant Theology

For some, the attraction of Roman Catholicism is its emphasis on social ethics. The perception for some—especially those converting from …

Is Beauty an Attribute of God?

There’s a beauty to the holiness of God. There’s a beauty when God exercises his righteousness. There’s a beauty to …

Especially for Christian Scholars – Part 1

Written by Perry L. Glanzer | Monday, July 29, 2024 In the old modern university, the ideal was that in …