Many people don’t start thinking about investing until much later in life. That’s understandable. There are so many obligations weighing upon you as a younger adult. And you’re just getting started. It never feels like you have any cash to spare. But if, twenty years ago, I’d have committed to setting aside $20 per month, given a reasonable return of 7% interest, I would now have a little over $10,000 sitting in that account. But I didn’t. That means if I want to get serious about investing today, I’m starting at zero.
That means if, at this point, I decide to increase my monthly investment to $200 per month, with zero starting money, I’ll end up with around $105,000 in twenty years. But that same commitment to $200 monthly with a starting fund of $10,000 would yield me around $143,000. If I wanted to end with $143,000 at the end of twenty years but starting with zero, I would need to increase my monthly investment to $274.28. $20 at the age of twenty turns into $75 at the age of 40.
All of this to say it’s really important to start on a good foundation. If we think of our day similarly many of us are getting to the noon hour before we’ve even stopped to check in on our soul. In this regard we are playing “catch-up” physically, emotionally, and spiritually throughout the day. Why not consider making an investment, even a small one, into your day by spending a little time in prayer to start your day?
Here are a few prayers to guide you.
Photo Credit: © Getty Images/Jevtic