5 Things You Should Know about Covenant Theology

In the covenant of grace, brought by the second Adam, Jesus Christ, God accepts us as His people by faith …

Is Being Old Now a Joke?

The Bible is very clear that the elderly are due respect.  “You shall rise up before the gray-headed and honor …

Worship by Faith Alone

‌When we’re asked the question, how do you know that you’ve worshiped, we want to be able to say something …

AI Doesn’t Mimic God’s Intelligence

King Solomon tried wisdom, along with everything else a human could pursue in this world. He reported, “With much wisdom …

Lord, Savior, and Treasure

Jesus is first shown to be majestic and mighty. He is king, ruler, the Lion. He is sovereign, and fulfills …

Jesus Calling and the PCA

In his understandable zeal to honor his wife, Mr. Young’s speech in opposition to the overture was the final impetus …

Support Drops for Same-Sex ‘Marriage’

A recent poll by the Public Religion Research Institute found that support for same-sex “marriage” dropped by at least two …

7 Sneaky Signs of Slothfulness

“A lazy person’s way is blocked with briers but the path of the upright is an open highway.” – Proverbs …