Savor Christ in Every Psalm

With Christ, I rejoice that, first and fundamentally, Christ himself is the blessed man of Psalm 1; Christ is the …

One Lord

Understanding biblical monotheism helps us to be clear about what we believe and are to teach. We do not believe …

Do We Desire to be with God?

How do we receive the benefits of Christ’s perfect and all-sufficient mediation which enables us to grow in salvation? The …

Prayer That has Power to Defeat Evil

What Jesus taught is that prayer is WAREFARE. It is the way the kingdom of righteousness prevails over the kingdom of …

3 Activities that Help Us Maintain Evangelical Unity

Fellowship dies when Christians take one another for granted and stop making a special effort to be with each other. …

Sin is Worse than Sickness

Sin is the reason the horrors of sickness exist. This truth does not mean that if someone is sick, it …

Love What God Loves but Hate What God Hates

We are commanded in scripture to not love the world. We must be in the world, but we cannot be …

Need for the Kingdom

Ecclesiastes removes the rose-colored glasses we often wear as Christians and tells it like it is. Three phrases capture its …