
The dominance of deception means we must question everything and only trust fully in Christ – LifeSite

(LifeSiteNews) — We live in a web of deception. It’s like never before. The strands are many and sticky and hard to see. Daily, it seems, we walk right into them.

The web is all around us. Many people are and will continue to be caught up – and if they don’t escape, they will be wound up and bled dry.

But for the spiders in these webs, blood is just an appetizer. What they want to feast on, ultimately, are souls.

There are so many strands which they can use to catch us. Elections. Supposed elections. COVID. Poison shots. Nanotechnology. Artificial intelligence. Wars and rumors of wars. Cyber-attacks. Market anomalies. Market and currency crashes. Universal basic income. Digital ID and digital currencies. Beasts and systems of beasts.

When we see through one deception, we shouldn’t assume that we have thereby found the truth. The deceptions are coming one after the next, and even as layers upon layers.

And they are coming at us at warp speed.

They are coming through government, press, foundations, think tanks, global and local organizations of all stripes and even via clerics and other supposed religious leaders.

How and why are questions for another time. For now, we have a more pressing question: What can we do?

Assume the possibility of deception

The answer may not be optimistic, but ultimately hope can only lie in the embrace of the truth.

At this time, we must assume the possibility of deception – which in practice means that we must assume the possibility that we are actually and actively being deceived, until proven otherwise.

We should not live in fear, but we must be aware: each big world event is likely a vehicle for another deception, another layered lie.

Recently, there have been many new big events. Elections. Protests. Lawfare. Even a shooting and a step down.

Are these deceptions? How can one know?

We don’t know. We likely will not know. Proving the lie is nearly impossible in an information void – or more precisely, in an information fog.

And it is even difficult to publicly discuss. It is almost forbidden. Those that speak up are quickly brought down – even by those on our own side.

That’s the idea that helps keep all thoughts on these matters quiet.

That and the implicit understanding that the powers behind the deceptions are great and evil – and so are also dangerous.

Of course, we know this nebulous power’s dangerousness is and will always be limited by God’s Providence. And anything we do suffer from it is allowed by God and is meritorious.

Therefore, we must have courage, rely on our faith-inspired and prayer-imbued reason and cautiously on our intuition — and keep our hope and trust in Christ.

A warning

The recent happenings regarding the attempted assassination of a person who, for many, was or still is a great hope – to beat back the onslaught of evil – is not what it seems. That much is clear.

And much has already been written on this subject. Theories and counter-theories abound. Some come from well-meaning observers, while others are likely advanced by evil insiders.

The information fog machine has been turned on high. Lone wolf or other shooters. Agency dysfunction or Deep State. Partial fabrication or total fabrication. The machine continues.

There is so much fog, we often give up trying to see. That’s of course the purpose of the fog. It blinds us so we are caught in the web. And once caught, it keeps us from fighting.

But we know truth is important, and discernment is essential.

So, as relates to this most recent big event, we must consider, at least, that there is a chance that we are being deceived yet again and that the deception may be deeper and more difficult to unwind – and likely more deadly.

In fact, in these times, the probability is high that it is.

And that “chance” calls for caution and prudence.

At face value, in this recent event, a leading presidential candidate seemed to be miraculously saved from a deadly wound. And some have connected this seeming miracle to God. Some have further connected this particular apparent miracle to biblical anointing and so have implied a similar anointing here.

However, if this event is a layered deception, then this conclusion may be in error.

While it’s possible that blood on the right ear may indicate consecration of a person to God, it has other interpretations.

After all, the Book of Exodus also tells us that when a slave decides that he loves his master he is required to pierce his ear as a sign that “he shall be his servant forever.” (21.5-6)

Which interpretation is true? One, or the other, or both, or neither? If it’s the eternal slave idea, who exactly is the master in such a scenario?

Then, there are still others who have connected this event to the wound mentioned in Revelation, “one of the heads of the beast seemed to have had a fatal wound, but the fatal wound had been healed. The whole world was filled with wonder and followed the beast” (Revelation 13:3). This possible interpretation, of course, brings many more implications and complications. 

And how would we know what is true – and why would we think that our interpretation is the correct one?

Furthermore, we only know what our eyes see – or more to the point, what our eyes are allowed to see.  

What if the entire event is very much apart from what we have seen. Even without artificial intelligence, magicians have long been able to trick whole audiences with distraction and sleight of hand. Magic is the art of deception. The master of this art is the Evil One.

But before drawing any conclusions about what is happening, before crowning any “Great Monarchs” and before assuming Anti-Christs at every turn, we should pause and leave space for God to speak to us individually and collectively.

Are we being set up? And, if so, for what?

If these times are not pre-tribulation or tribulation, they are at least being made to look like that – as God has allowed.

So, we must assume this pattern will continue. It is not rational to think otherwise.

And in that pattern, many of the elect, if possible, may be deceived.

“For there shall arise false Christs, and false prophets, and shall shew great signs and wonders; insomuch that, if it were possible, they shall deceive the very elect.” (Mathew 24:24) 

To deceive “one of the elect,” it can be easily reasoned, the deceivers will be trusted or apparently trustworthy figures.

So, it’s obvious: there are deceivers hiding amongst those whom we trust. They are among us.

Let us be careful to recognize the times, and to see the pattern that God is permitting.

If even the elect may be deceived, what does that say about us?

We all know that “pride comes before a fall,” but we should also remember St. Paul’s words: 

He that thinks himself to stand, let him take heed – lest he fall. (1 Cor. 10.12) 

Above all, let us remember that there is no messiah but Christ. 

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