Reading Time: 3 minutes
Sometimes, the Lord calls us to specific physical places to intercede and ask for God’ss insight. IFA Louisiana met in Mansfield, Louisiana, answering that prompting to pray. We knew our purpose was to repent for our ancestors’ part in the Civil War and cleanse the land from innocent bloodshed. Mansfield was the site of a fierce battle.
Throughout March of 1864, the Confederate army retreated up the Red River from Alexandria. Many soldiers from Texas and Arkansas joined the Confederate army during this time. The Union army’s target was Shreveport and then Texas. On April 8, 1864, Confederate Major General Taylor, with 8000 soldiers, took a stand against Union Major General Banks and his army of 30,000. But the Union made one critical mistake; they marched through narrow roads, with the supplies first and the fighting men last. Many Union soldiers died or were severely wounded. Then, on April 9th, at Pleasant Hill, the Union army retreated and never even made it into Texas. This battle was strategic for the Confederates.
Knowing that bit of history, we asked the Lord for insights on how to pray about what happened on this ground. As we prayed at that battle site, several intercessors had visions through which the Lord directed prayer. Often, the Spirit speaks to us in pictures, and so we asked the Lord to send spiritual insight.
We repented for our ancestor’s part in that Civil War, and we asked God to cleanse the land. We took communion. We prayed for forgiveness to come forth on both sides.
IFA Louisiana Leader Lisa Townsend saw a vision of a black woman from the Civil War era, cooking over a large black pot and praying for justice for her children.
Gloria Steele saw a picture of about 10 soldiers, some dressed as Union soldiers and some as Confederate soldiers. She could sense their heart to free the slaves. She also saw an angelic army bringing light from the south onto the dark, blood-stained battlefield.
I, Janie, saw the white fluffy glory clouds rolling in over the battlefield after we had repented for the sins of racism. I also saw natural resources, gas and oil, bubbling up from the land with prosperity coming to Louisiana.
Susan Cordell saw treasures in the people of Louisiana as they stepped forth into their inheritance. The people of Louisiana were released from past sins, and they stepped into their God-given destiny. We spoke declarations of unity and love over all Americans.
Finally, Krispen Branch prayed that the Father would forgive those who still hold unforgiveness, hatred, and fear and that forgiveness would be released and come forth. She prayed that the foundation of His throne of righteousness, justice, and goodness would land in that place.
What we were led to do in Louisiana is not unique. Many of you have also completed prophetic and prayer assignments at significant sites in your state–in fact, the Holy Spirit is calling all of us to strategic prayer assignments of our own. I encourage you to sit with the Lord and ask Him to show you where He needs your prayer of agreement or declaration in your area. It may be praying over something in your own community or perhaps with a number of intercessors in your IFA state prayer group. It’s a spiritual treasure hunt. He calls us to follow His voice and His guidance to unlock the forgiveness, the cleansing, the healing, the calling, the repentance, and the destiny of our own little part of the nation.
Incidentally, recently IFA Louisiana just finished a book club study on Shaping History through Prayer and Fasting by Derek Prince. We are even more committed to fasting and praying until the strongholds of antichrist, divination, infirmity, addiction, fear, and depression are defeated in our country. It certainly helped fuel our own desire to break strongholds in our state of Louisiana! We encourage you to join a study in your own state! You can find the book and the study guide at
Great things are happening when we pray with other intercessors in our states! Find outwhat’ss happening in your state at
Photo credit: Sarah Stierch, CC BY-SA 2.0 <>, via Wikimedia Commons.