(LifeSiteNews) — Abortions in Texas are at nearly zero, according to new data from the state.
The Health and Human Services Commission report shows abortions “have consistently dropped from thousands per month to zero,” according to an analysis by Texas Alliance for Life.
The report covers “the first 21 months following the United States Supreme Court’s decision to overturn Roe v. Wade in the Dobbs case — from July 2022 through March 2024.”
Texas is considered a “most restrictive” state by the pro-abortion Guttmacher Institute. “Abortion is completely banned with limited exceptions,” the think tank reported. The Human Life Protection Act prohibits abortion except when there is “a serious risk of substantial impairment of a major bodily function of the pregnant female.”
“Additionally, during this period, doctors reported performing 102 medically necessary abortions, with five reported in March, all in hospitals,” Texas Alliance for Life reported.
However, there is no such thing as a “medically necessary” abortion, according to medical experts.
“The narrative that pro-life laws will prevent treatment of life-threatening complications affecting pregnant women, requiring them to travel out of state to access necessary medical care is blatantly false,” Dr. Ingrid Skop, an OB/GYN, previously testified to the U.S. Senate. She is a member of Texas’ Maternal Mortality and Morbidity Review Committee.
She also testified:
My peers and I know what these conditions are [that lead to a dangerous medical situation], even if we cannot predict with certainty whether that complication will cause a woman to die or experience severe impairment, or how quickly this harm may occur. Once I have made that determination, I am willing to induce labor to protect my maternal patient, even if I can predict her child may not survive. All laws allow intervention at the time of diagnosis of these serious conditions.
Pro-abortion group claims abortions higher post-Dobbs
Every abortion is a tragedy in that it kills an innocent preborn baby. Still, the news of zero reported elective abortions is a positive step against the backdrop of other states moving to legalize abortion through all nine months.
Furthermore, a report from the Society for Family Planning claimed that abortions are actually higher after the reversal of Roe v. Wade.
However, pro-life statistical expert Michael New has challenged those claims.
As LifeSiteNews recently noted:
(New said) SFP “really had no previous experience doing abortion estimates prior to Dobbs,” and many of their state estimates differ significantly from those of the Guttmacher Institute, which while pro-abortion is taken by most on both sides to be the most comprehensive source of abortion data. Guttmacher’s national abortion estimate for 2022 was 951,168, followed by 912,360 in 2023, a decrease of 38,808.
The SFP report also did suggest more than 200,000 abortions had been prevented in states with protections for preborn babies.
Texas has been in the spotlight after a woman named Kate Cox chose to have her baby diagnosed with trisomy 18 killed in a late-term abortion.
The White House celebrated Cox’s abortion, with First Lady Jill Biden inviting her as a guest to the State of the Union.
Other states have seen drops in abortion after their restrictions going into law, such as Indiana and Arkansas, as previously reported by LifeSiteNews.
However, the widespread availability of abortion pills, and their effects on pro-life protections, remains a source of debate.
A pro-life group, commenting on the Texas’ report, heralded the good news but warned that a Kamala Harris and Tim Walz administration could undo the progress.
“This victory comes as the result of years of hard work by the pro-life movement to support moms and dads in need though pregnancy resource centers, sidewalk counseling, and prayer,” Mary Szoch, the director of the Center for Human Dignity at the Family Research Council, told the Washington Stand.
“It comes as the result of the work of people willing to stand up and recognize that every person — born and unborn — has inherent dignity, that of all the blessings God gives us, children are undoubtedly the greatest, and that every person deserves the right to life,” Szoch said.
“But make no mistake, if the Harris-Walz administration is elected, they will do everything in their power to make sure that unborn children are once again under attack in Texas. These candidates want to do everything possible to attack unborn life.”