The State of Church Giving through 2021: Intentional Miracles

The State of Church Giving through 2021: Intentional Miracles (33rd edition, April 2024) is available from: Wipf and Stock,, and Barnes …

Perry Stone Warns America About the Next Coming Attack

Is the next attack coming to America? In a new message, Perry Stone is warning Americans about the potential next …

5 Life Lessons from Arguments Between Women in the Bible

You see it all the time on television: women getting into arguments and fights, sometimes as crowds gather and cameras …

4-Week Family Bible Study for the New School Year

As we prepare for the new school year, excitement and anticipation fill our hearts. With fresh supplies, new curriculum, and …

Why Did Jesus Clash with the Pharisees and Sadducees?

While Jesus taught and ministered, he clashed with other Jewish religious groups. The two main Jewish doctrinal sects, the Pharisees …