
Global elites have never been shy about their plans to control the world – LifeSite

(Corbett Report) — Earlier this year I wrote about “The Globalist’s SECRET Message!”

If you read that editorial, you’ll know the “secret” message turns out to be remarkably open and shockingly frank: “There are too many useless eaters out there and it’s time to get rid of them!” (SPOILER: You are, in the globalists’ estimation, just such a “useless eater.”)

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So, we already know about the technocrats’ plan for global depopulation. Now, how about their political action plan? How is it that these enemies of humanity propose to organize the polities of the world as they send us to the slaughter pen?

Why, as it turns out, that plan isn’t much of a secret, either! In fact, its creators have written and talked about it extensively and out in the open. Want to hear about it? Let’s take a look.

Cecil Rhodes

If you watched The WWI Conspiracy, you’ll know Cecil Rhodes isn’t just the Rothschild-financed mining monopolist who helped foment the Boer War (though he certainly is that!). You’ll also know that Rhodes started a secret society modeled on the Jesuits for the purpose of forming a one world government to be ruled over by “the English-speaking races.”

What an awful thought it is that if we had not lost America, or if even now we could arrange with the present members of the United States Assembly and our House of Commons, the peace of the world is secured for all eternity! We could hold your federal parliament five years at Washington and five at London. The only thing feasible to carry this idea out is a secret one (society) gradually absorbing the wealth of the world to be devoted to such an object.

[SOURCE: The Last Will and Testament of Cecil John Rhodes (1902)]

Yes, not only did one of the world’s richest men form a secret society to forge a world government, but this scheme was even reported in the pages of the New York Times (years after its inception, naturally).

That such a “secret” scheme for global government may be so publicly documented and yet still completely unknown to the vast majority of the public is surprising only if you don’t know about the many, many similar admissions that the globalists have printed in black and white for all the world to see.

H. G. Wells

We remember him as “that sci-fi writer” who wrote War of the Worlds. But his cronies in the globalist jet set are more apt to remember H. G. Wells for his political writings.

That’s right, from The Open Conspiracy to The New World Order, Wells was a prolific author of proto-technocratic global government-promoting drivel. In fact, he even contributed to the draft of the United Nations’ 1948 Declaration of Human Rights – you know, the document that mouths a bunch of feel-good platitudes about all the wonderful rights and freedoms that the U.N. believes in… that is, until you get to Article 29 and discover those rights and freedoms only apply if you support the “purposes and principles” of the United Nations. Yeah, that Declaration of Human Rights.

What did H. G. Wells have to say about how the technocratic super-state will come about?

So long as there is peace the class of capable men may be mitigated and gagged and controlled, and the ostensible present order may flourish still in the hands of that other class of men which deals with the appearances of things. But as some supersaturated solution will crystallize out with the mere shaking of its beaker, so must the new order of men come into visibly organized existence through the concussions of war. The charlatans can escape everything except war, but to the cant and violence of nationality, to the sustaining force of international hostility, they are ruthlessly compelled to cling, and what is now their chief support must become at last their destruction. And so it is I infer that, whether violently as a revolution or quietly and slowly, this grey confusion that is Democracy must pass away inevitably by its own inherent conditions, as the twilight passes, as the embryonic confusion of the cocoon creature passes, into the higher stage, into the higher organism, the world-state of the coming years.

[SOURCE: Anticipations of the Reaction of Mechanical and Scientific Progress upon Human Life and Thought by H. G. Wells (1902)]

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A global government coming about as a result of a cataclysmic war or other revolutionary process? Sounds about right.

And how will this all-controlling world government – which he goes on to dub the “New Republic” – deal with the “inferior races”? What will it do with the Jews, the “dark Welsh,” the “Scotch” and all the “brown, and dirty-white, and yellow people” who, in Wells’ estimation, “do not come into the new needs of efficiency” required by this technocratic superstate?

Well, the world is a world, not a charitable institution, and I take it they will have to go. The whole tenor and meaning of the world, as I see it, is that they have to go. So far as they fail to develop sane, vigorous, and distinctive personalities for the great world of the future, it is their portion to die out and disappear.

In other words, Wells’ heralded global government will measure out each citizen’s merits and demerits and decide if he is worthy of life. If deemed “life unworthy of life” by the world technocrats, that citizen dies.

Cord Meyer, Jr.

History knows him as the CIA agent whose wife was sleeping with JFK.

Corbett Report members know him as the man whom E. Howard Hunt fingered as one of the key figures in the JFK assassination.

In 1948, the reading public knew him as the president of United World Federalists, Inc. – or, as Life magazine memorably dubbed him, “the master salesman for world government.”

Yes, back in the 1940s it was OK to wear your globalism on your sleeve, and the United World Federalists did exactly that. These “world federalists” (aka globalists) openly promoted an agenda that included “world federal government, United Nations reform, legislative resolutions, and amendments to the U.S. Constitution to favor world federal government. ”

Just as the organization wasn’t shy about advertising itself, so was its president not shy about announcing his own intentions. In his 1947 book, Peace or Anarchy (“Why not both?” I parenthetically inquire), Meyer outlined his belief that world government was the necessary solution to the “problem” of the anarchy between nations. He argued:

The institution that is ultimately responsible for two world wars within a generation and the growing danger of a third is the sovereign nation-state. Within the territories of the nation-states, the necessity for the institutions of government has long been recognized. The national boundaries define separate legal orders, and the citizens of each must find satisfaction for their injuries and protection of their rights peacefully through the laws, courts and police of their respective governments. The relation between those living inside the borders of a nation is that of mutual subjection to coercive law. But between the nations there is no recognition of the need for enforceable law through which to settle disputes peaceably.

[SOURCE: Peace or Anarchy by Cord Meyer, Jr.]

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Elsewhere in the book, Meyer reveals the true driving animus of the globalists: the creation of a singular seat of power that will be able to sit in judgment of any individual nation state. “One ring to rule them all,” as it were.

But in his 1980 autobiography, Facing Reality: From World Federalism to the CIA, Meyer reveals that he gave up on the world federalism idea because those dastardly Soviets insisted – for some unfathomable reason or other – that it was a ploy for America to assert its hegemony over the rest of the world. Having had his dream crushed, he fell into the arms of the CIA, where he spent his time running Operation Mockingbird and whacking the U.S. president in broad daylight.

Returning to that 1948 Life magazine profile, it noted that “[i]f world government is not achieved by 1951, Meyer is facetiously considering a plan to take his wife and two sons to Africa and start life anew among the Pygmies.” For those who are wondering: he did not, in fact, start life anew among the Pygmies as promised.

James P. Warburg

Let’s see what the banksters have to say about world government, shall we?

If you’ve seen Century of Enslavement: The History of The Federal Reserve, then you’ll recall that one of the key architects of the Jekyll Island conspiracy that gave birth to the Federal Reserve was Paul Warburg, heir to the Warburg banking dynasty and son-in-law of Solomon Loeb of the famed New York investment firm, Kuhn, Loeb & Company.

Warburg’s son, James Warburg, filled his father’s shoes by becoming an influential banker in his own right. In the 1930s and 1940s he served as president at the International Manhattan Company, president of the International Acceptance Bank and Vice Chairman of the Board at Bank of the Manhattan Company. He also served as a financial advisor to President Franklin D. Roosevelt; became a deputy director in the Office of War Information, the propaganda arm of the U.S. government during World War II; and was a prominent member of the Council on Foreign Relations.

When James Warburg appeared before the United States Senate Subcommittee on Revision of the United Nations Charter in 1950 as “an individual,” then, the members of that subcommittee well knew he was in fact speaking for the banksters.

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The subcommittee, it turns out, was investigating the handiwork of Cord Meyer and his world federalist cohorts: a flurry of congressional resolutions designed to streamline the United Nations and make it into a more streamlined vehicle for world government.

And what did Warburg tell them?

The past 15 years of my life have been devoted almost exclusively to studying the problem of world peace and, especially, the relation of the United States to these problems. These studies led me, 10 years ago, to the conclusion that the great question of our time is not whether or not one world can be achieved, but whether or not one world can be achieved by peaceful means.

We shall have world government, whether or not we like it. The question is only whether world government will be achieved by consent or by conquest.

[SOURCE: James Warburg before the Subcommittee on Revision of the United Nations Charter]

And, lest there be any confusion about what Warburg meant by these remarks:

I think the essential thing we should undertake is that we declare our willingness to participate in some sort of world organization capable of enacting, administering, interpreting, and, enforcing world law, whether you call it a federation, a government, or world order, I don’t think that matters.

That a prominent banker would support world government will not be surprising to anyone who has studied the history of banking. The banksters have long been taking control of governments around the world, so it makes sense that the capstone on their pyramid of financial power would be a global government that they could control in a similar manner.

That a banker like Warburg would be so open about his intentions is surprising only to those who think that the push toward world government is some sort of covert conspiracy.

Paul Ehrlich

Remember Paul Ehrlich? You know, the lying Malthusian fearmonger whose every prediction about overpopulation causing the impending collapse of civilization has been proven completely wrong time and time again?

Well, to the surprise of no one, Ehrlich also believes in the necessity of world government. He insists that only some sort of super-national “planetary regime” can protect us from the ravages of overpopulation.

And how, exactly, could world government save us from his made-up overpopulation bogeyman? Erhlich spelled it out in black and white in his 1977 book, Ecoscience, coauthored by his wife, Anne, and future Obama “science czar” John Holdren.

Should a Law of the Sea be successfully established, it could serve as a model for a future Law of the Atmosphere to regulate the use of airspace, to monitor climate change, and to control atmospheric pollution. Perhaps those agencies, combined with UNEP and the United Nations population agencies, might eventually be developed into a Planetary Regime – sort of an international superagency for population, resources, and environment. Such a comprehensive Planetary Regime could control the development, administration, conservation, and distribution of all natural resources, renewable or non-renewable, at least insofar as international implications exist. Thus the Regime could have the power to control pollution not only in the atmosphere and oceans, but also in such freshwater bodies as rivers and lakes that cross international boundaries or that discharge into the oceans. The Regime might also be a logical central agency for regulating all international trade, perhaps including assistance from DCs to LDCs, and including all food on the international market.

The Planetary Regime might be given responsibility for determining the optimum population for the world and for each region and for arbitrating various countries’ shares within their regional limits. Control of population size might remain the responsibility of each government, but the Regime would have some power to enforce the agreed limits.

[SOURCE: Ecoscience: Population, Resources, Environment by Paul R. Ehrlich, Anne H. Ehrlich, John P. Holdren]

In other words, a world government would have responsibility for deciding the “optimum population” of the planet. And, in order to ensure that optimum population, anything, up to and including forced abortions and forced sterilization, is permissible.

We already know that Ehrlich is a reprehensible scientific charlatan, motivated by Malthusian scare stories and a psychopathic hatred of humanity. The above-quoted passage merely confirms that these traits are common to globalists as well.

George H. W. Bush

Where were you on September 11?

No, not September 11, 2001. September 11, 1990.

George H. W. Bush may be one of the only Americans of his generation who can’t remember where he was when JFK was shot, but he likely never forgot where he was on September 11, 1990: pledging his fealty to the globalist gang in front of the U.S. Congress (and the world).

That’s right, 11 years to the day before 9/11, Poppy Bush was delivering an address before a joint session of Congress as his administration was gearing up to launch the first Gulf War. It was that speech that contained the words that we conspiracy hands know so well.

We stand today at a unique and extraordinary moment. The crisis in the Persian Gulf, as grave as it is, also offers a rare opportunity to move toward an historic period of cooperation. Out of these troubled times, our fifth objective – a New World Order – can emerge: a new era – freer from the threat of terror, stronger in the pursuit of justice, and more secure in the quest for peace. An era in which the nations of the world, East and West, North and South, can prosper and live in harmony. A hundred generations have searched for this elusive path to peace, while a thousand wars raged across the span of human endeavor. Today that new world is struggling to be born, a world quite different from the one we’ve known. A world where the rule of law supplants the rule of the jungle. A world in which nations recognize the shared responsibility for freedom and justice. A world where the strong respect the rights of the weak

[SOURCE: September 11, 1990: Address Before a Joint Session of Congress]

Here in 2024, we all know what actually resulted from those valiant-sounding words: the launching of the first Gulf War; the betrayal of the Kurds; the abandonment of the Iraqi people; the imposition of crippling sanctions that killed hundreds of thousands of Iraqi children (but it was “worth it“) and lined the pockets of corrupt globalists; and, eventually, Gulf War II, which was directed by Bush’s son and led to the death of a further million Iraqis.

Now, what was that again about “prosper and live in harmony”?

Gordon Brown

In 2003, people with their head screwed on straight were warning that the banksters and their government minions were setting the global economy up for a catastrophic panic by artificially inflating a housing bubble.

In 2006, people with their head not screwed on straight were making fun of these (totally correct) prognosticators. In 2007, the bubble popped as they predicted. And in 2008, failed Collateralized Mortgage Obligations and other exotic financial instruments predicated on the failed housing bubble began eating their way through the economy, threatening the very financial system itself.

The Global Financial Collapse was on.

In 2009, Gordon Brown, then-Prime Minister of the U.K., stepped up to the podium at the G20 London Summit, where the top globalist brass had gathered to determine how they could best use this crisis to achieve their goal of global government. Gordon Brown told them exactly what they wanted to hear:

This is the day that the world came together to fight back against the global recession not with words but with a plan for global recovery and for reform and with a clear timetable for its delivery. And our message today is clear and certain – we believe that in this new global age our prosperity is indivisible. We believe that global problems require global solutions… I think a New World Order is emerging and with it the foundations of a new and progressive era of international cooperation. We have resolved that from today we will together manage the process of globalization to secure responsibility from all and fairness to all, and we’ve agreed that in doing so we will build a more sustainable and more open and a fairer global society.

[SOURCE: Press Conference Gordon Brown pt. 1 /pt. 2]

Brown’s message of using the global crisis to bring about global government struck a chord with his fellow globalists.

It was echoed by the Vatican: “The establishment of a global political Authority cannot be achieved without an already functioning multilateralism, not only on a diplomatic level, but also and above all in relation to programs for sustainable development and peace. It is not possible to arrive at global Government without giving political expression to pre-existing forms of interdependence and cooperation.”

It was boosted by the City of London’s mouthpiece: “So, it seems, everything is in place. For the first time since homo sapiens began to doodle on cave walls, there is an argument, an opportunity and a means to make serious steps towards a world government.”

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And it was latched on to by the “multipolar world order” advocates like the head of the Bank of China, who used the crisis as an opportunity to promote a new, IMF-administered international reserve currency.

But this was not the first time that Brown had suggested a “New World Order to save [the] earth.” Back in the spring of 2008, before the Global Financial Crisis had even kicked off, Brown was already delivering a remarkably similar message in his Kennedy Memorial Lecture, delivered at the Kennedy Presidential Library and Museum on April 18, 2008.

And if in the eighteenth and nineteenth centuries nation states looked to the concept of the balance of power for their security, and in the latter half of the twentieth briefly put their faith in the concept of mutually assured destruction, we, amid the emerging complexities of the twenty-first century, must recognise afresh the power of John Kennedy’s Declaration of Interdependence and must firmly root our international system in the values we hold in common, shaping more than a new world order, creating instead a truly global society. A global society no longer just based on the power of states delineated by borders but on the aspirations of people that transcend borders.

[SOURCE: The Change We Choose: Speeches 2007-2009 by Gordon Brown]

Oh, and you’ll never guess what Gordon Brown’s solution to the coronavirus scamdemic crisis was!… Unless you guessed that it was a call for the creation of global government, in which case you’re totally right.

Gordon Brown has urged world leaders to create a temporary form of global government to tackle the twin medical and economic crises caused by the COVID-19 pandemic.

The former Labour prime minister, who was at the centre of the international efforts to tackle the impact of the near-meltdown of the banks in 2008, said there was a need for a taskforce involving world leaders, health experts and the heads of the international organisations that would have executive powers to coordinate the response

‘This is not something that can be dealt with in one country,’ he said. ‘There has to be a coordinated global response.’

[SOURCE: Gordon Brown calls for global government to tackle coronavirus]

Yes, as Gordon Brown effectively demonstrates time and again, to the committed globalist, every crisis that comes along – real or fake, act of God or artificially generated – is just a nail begging for a strong world government to hammer it down.

Do you get the picture?

I could go on. And on and on and on. I haven’t even mentioned the modern-day proponents of global governance – the “multipolar world order” advocates including not just President-for-Life Xi in China and President-for-Life Putin in Russia but also their counterparts in the Council on Foreign Relations and the other centers of globalist power.

But you get the point by now, don’t you? The quest to bring about world government isn’t a hidden conspiracy. It’s a perfectly open one.

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So, let’s recap the main points that the global government conspirators are happy to put down in black and white:

  • they have created secret societies and organizations for the purpose of forwarding their dream of world government;
  • they are happy to latch on to any global crisis as an excuse to bring about their global government;
  • they want us to know we’re getting a global government whether we want it or not;
  • they will use the global government to institute a system of “world order” (presided over by them, of course);
  • and this world government will eventually be given the power of life or death over each “global citizen.”

Oh, and let’s not forget, these globalists are by and large the same people who keep harping on about the need to cull the population by getting rid of the “useless eaters” (i.e., you, me, and everyone we know.)

Any questions?

Reprinted with permission from the Corbett Report.

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