
Kremlin shocked, but undeterred, by Ukraine’s Kursk incursion

Ukraine’s unexpected incursion into the Russian border region of Kursk has brought the war home to many Russians in an immediate and deeply distressing way.

Ukrainian troops occupied dozens of villages and forced the evacuation of almost 200,000 people from the southwestern region. Russian media have graphically covered the scenes of chaos and panic. The reports convey at least some of the fear and despair of local people hustled onto buses amid vistas of violence and destruction.

Why We Wrote This

Ukraine’s attack on Kursk was a surprise to both the Kremlin and the Russian public. But whether the shock will actually change Russian perceptions of the war – or its course – seems doubtful.

It’s hard to say how effective the Ukrainian gambit, as an attempt to shake Russian morale, may prove to be. Denis Volkov, head of Russia’s only independent polling agency, says it’ll be a couple of weeks before any hard data on Russian public responses is available. But he recalls that previous Russian setbacks barely moved the needle of public opinion.

“I would guess that the majority will take the Kursk situation as a local, borderline affair,” he says. Russia is an enormous country, and most people “go on living their own lives. … There is a generally accepted point of view that ‘Why should one bother about something that you cannot change?’”

When Ukraine launched its Aug. 6 military thrust into the bordering Kursk region of Russia, it blindsided Moscow. And Russian authorities are scrambling to regain control over both the military situation on the ground, which is still ongoing, and the official war narrative.

Though the war has been an unavoidable fact for some Russians for more than two years, the Kursk incursion has brought it home to many more in an immediate and deeply distressing way. Ukrainian troops occupied dozens of villages and forced the evacuation of almost 200,000 people from the southwestern region.

Russian media have graphically covered the scenes of chaos and panic in Kursk, where war is suddenly engulfing recognizably Russian spaces. The reports convey at least some of the fear and despair of local people hustled onto buses, forced to leave behind their homes, belongings, even pets – as well as vistas of violence and destruction. 

Why We Wrote This

Ukraine’s attack on Kursk was a surprise to both the Kremlin and the Russian public. But whether the shock will actually change Russian perceptions of the war – or its course – seems doubtful.

That may have been part of the Ukrainian calculation in launching the attack, which by most accounts is an expensive operation that offers little discernible strategic advantage.

President Vladimir Putin suggested other motives at a meeting of the Kremlin’s Security Council this week. They included an effort to acquire Russian territory for use as a bargaining chip in upcoming negotiations, a hope that Russian forces will be diverted from the main battle fronts inside Ukraine, and an attempt to “create discord and division … to disrupt the domestic political landscape.”

Sergei Markov, a former Kremlin adviser, says the Ukrainians also likely sought to embarrass Mr. Putin personally. “In that case they did succeed,” he says. “Putin may be offended, but he’s not going to overreact.”

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