
Returning a Generation Back to God – Intercessors for America

Reading Time: 2 minutes

America’s public schools are in crisis.

China is influencing U.S. schools.

In 2004, the CCP began establishing Confucius Institute “cultural” centers on U.S. college and university campuses. The Trump administration took actions that caused the numbers to diminish, but the Biden administration reversed. Now renamed, more than 500 CCP “cultural centers” operate in more than 500 U.S. K-12 schools today.

Illiteracy is on the rise.

60% of American students read below grade level. Why? Those in charge of our educational systems embrace socialism and reject parental authority. John Dewey, the father of public schools, believed high literacy would impede socialism. Today, low literacy and socialism are prevalent. But there is hope. Using a low-cost phonics-based program, Mississippi went from most students behind an entire grade level to 85% passing grade-level assessments.

Sexuality education is harming children.

Planned Parenthood partners developed sex ed curricula that have normalized extrabiblical sexuality in the U.S. The World Health Org. also promotes sex ed that encourages unfettered exploration into subjects that are inappropriate and confusing for young children, all with the backing of the U.S.

School boards are changing.

At one point in our history, 150,000 school boards served U.S. communities. Now, 13,809 district school boards make decisions for 53.9 million K-12 students. For decades, the NEA, the education industry’s powerful and progressive labor union, determined who ran for and won a school board seat. In 2021–2022, parents across the country realized the tremendous power school boards hold over a community, and they began running for seats. Surprisingly, many won, which started a trend that continues.

Bibles in schools!

Oklahoma mandated that the Bible be included as an important work of literature and history to study. Bibles can be in school libraries, and Bible clubs must also be allowed. God is in the schools!

Academia belongs to the progressives. Pray for students, teachers, administrators, and coaches in our schools—battlefields of ideas today. The future culture of our nation is being formed as each young mind is molded to a new normal of ungodly ideologies.

Prayer Points:

Pray specifically for protection for today’s students in the schools where anti-biblical views are taught and celebrated. Join us in praying these Scriptures.

Pray for the protection of the minds and hearts of American children (Matthew 18:6).

Wisdom can lead us away from wickedness—ask God for wisdom for Christians in the schools (Proverbs 2:10-13).

May the name of the Lord be known throughout our schools and communities (Psalm 67:2).

Photo credit: FatCamera/Getty Images.

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