
Support faithful Catholic sisters who need to cover repairs for their province house – LifeSite

Help the Sacred Heart Sisters cover repairs for their province house: LifeFunder

CRESSON, Pennsylvania (LifeSiteNews) — LifeSiteNews has launched a LifeFunder to support religious sisters seeking financial aid after a series of unexpected events drained their savings.  

The Sister Servants of the Most Sacred Heart of Jesus, commonly called the Sacred Heart Sisters, are short of funding to cover repairs at their various locations that enable them to continue serving the faithful and spreading the Gospel of Life.  

The Sacred Heart Sisters were founded in Krakow, Poland, in 1894, by St. Joseph Sebastian Pelczar and Blessed Klara Szczesna. In 1959, a province was opened in the United States, and it is now based in Cresson, Pennsylvania.    

However, a series of events has led the Sisters’ funds to be completely depleted, causing them to turn to the faithful for financial aid to keep their buildings open.   

The Sisters’ plight began in November 2023, when Sr. Augustine Marie Molnar, a critical member of staff at the Sisters’ John Paul II Manor who cared for the elderly in Cresson, Pennsylvania, was killed in an automobile accident during her trip promoting vocations to the order.  

Shortly after, in spring 2024, the Sisters’ property owner’s insurance on their provincial house was abruptly terminated after an unannounced drone over their roof found that it was not up to code.  

“This past winter, our insurance company discontinued the homeowner’s insurance at our province house, after they sent up a drone over the house and discovered the roof needed repair,” the Sisters wrote in a recent newsletter. “To restore insurance, we need to replace the roof on our large provincialate.” 

The Sisters are seeking to cover the cost of the project, which amounts to over $60,000.00.  

Additionally, the Sisters’ novitiate property in Loretto, Pennsylvania, must undergo substantial repairs, as the roof on a caretaker’s home located on the property must be replaced and a new well must be dug, as the old one has run dry.  

As sisters, not nuns, the consecrated women work and live within the city, offering both spiritual and physical care to those around them. There are a total of 25 sisters in the U.S. order, with 22 perpetually professed sisters, two novices, and two anticipating entrance.   

The U.S. order is represented in the Dioceses of Altoona-Johnstown, Buffalo, Columbus, Grand Rapids, ​and Mandeville, Jamaica. ​The order also has sisters in Poland, Ukraine, Italy, France, Bolivia, Argentina, and the West Indies. 

The Sisters work to serve their community in various ways, including teaching, catechesis, nursing, personal care, parish ministry, and kitchen and clothing outreach to the poor. The Sisters also work to evangelize homes and families, particularly through the Enthronement of the Sacred Heart and pastoral visits, social media outreach, prison ministry, and missionary work in Jamaica.  

The Sisters have a special devotion to St. Pope John Paul II, as their order ministered to him as his office aides and household staff. Some of the Sisters were even present at his deathbed. 

To donate to support the mission of the Sisters of the Sacred Heart and spread the Gospel of Life, please click here 

Help the Sacred Heart Sisters cover repairs for their province house: LifeFunder

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