
The great garden glut of 2024: How I survived the summer of 10,000 beans.

Any garden is a work of art. Its creator is able to take a few odd elements and put them together to make something altogether new. Go formal with herbs sheared into an elegant parterre. Assemble native plants and let birds and butterflies help decorate. White flowers, silver foliage, and a punch of fragrance perfect a moonlit stroll. And know what you can make with a few dozen beans?

Ten thousand new beans.

I had no idea. In fact, sometimes I’ve felt a little resentful about the price of a packet of seeds. It’s a tiny packet, with a pretty picture on it, but it might run you four bucks, and when you open it up there’s just this little string of something that looks like flea doo along the bottom. At least with beans there’s some substance, but still. I’m new at vegetable gardening. I usually buy plants that have already graduated from Seed School and are all potted up. But with beans, you just plant beans. 

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