(LifeSiteNews) — LifeSiteNews has launched a campaign to fund a huge “Christ is King” billboard in Nebraska to proclaim the Kingship of Christ.
On August 30th, LifeSiteNews announced a LifeFunder campaign to raise funds to sponsor a massive 14-foot-high, 48-foot-wide billboard proclaiming “Christ is King” to remind Nebraska of Christ’s eternal kingship.
“We hope to spread this initiative to every state, proclaiming the Kingship of Christ on billboards and supporting the overall mission of LifeSiteNews,” Tim Jackson, LifeSiteNews’ director of Life Petitions and Advocacy, declared.
Already, LifeSiteNews has been able to proclaim the Kingship of Our Lord thanks to the generous support of LifeSite readers who donated to erect huge “Christ is King” roadside billboards in Kansas City, Nashville, Texas, and New Jersey.
Each board appeared on the highway for four weeks and was viewed hundreds of thousands of times.
“Mighty nations stumble; world war threatens; there’s destruction on the battlefield and also in the womb, and all this is happening because man has forgotten God,” John-Henry Westen, the co-founder and editor-in-chief of LifeSiteNews, declared.
Westen explained that the billboards aim to fulfill the command of Pope Pius XI, who said that “men must look for the Peace of Christ in the Kingdom of Christ.”
“He urged that the faithful give public honor to Christ the King so that individuals and states would submit once more to the rule of their Savior,” Westen said. “And that is why LifeSiteNews is raising up the image of Christ the King across the United States.”
The billboard’s haunting depiction of Christ and His Sacred Heart may be unfamiliar to many viewers, but it is special to Westen.
“That particular image of the Sacred Heart of Jesus came from my dad, who was a daily communicant from the time he was a child,” Westen stated when the campaign was first launched.
“He had it for as long as I can remember, and I was always fascinated with it as a child, especially because everywhere I went in the room the Lord‘s eyes would follow me.”
“Countless rosaries were prayed in front of that depiction of the Sacred Heart, and I’m sure my dad gazed on Him as he took his last breath,” Westen continued. “I’ve tried for years to find that same image (elsewhere), but I’ve never been able to find it.”
The Christian declaration that “Christ is King” is unobjectionable in most countries with a majority Christian population. In fact, Christ was officially declared King of Poland by the Polish government in 2016.
However, public profession of this belief has met with pushback recently in the United States, and almost incredibly, in March it became the subject of a social media storm.