
BREAKING: NDP leader Jagmeet Singh pulls support from Trudeau’s Liberals – LifeSite

OTTAWA, Ontario (LifeSiteNews) — The head of the New Democratic Party (NDP), Jagmeet Singh, today announced he is pulling his official support for Prime Minister Justin Trudeau’s Liberals, meaning there is now a possibility a fall election could be held should a non-confidence vote pass in the House of Commons.  

“The deal is done. The Liberals are too weak, too selfish and too beholden to corporate interests to stop the Conservatives and their plans to cut. But the NDP can,” wrote Singh on X this afternoon. 

“Big corporations and CEOs have had their governments. It’s the people’s time.” 

Singh also posted a video to go along with his X statement, saying, “Justin Trudeau has proven again and again he will always cave to corporate greed. The Liberals have let people down. They don’t deserve another chance from Canadians.” 

He then took a shot at Canada’s Conservative Party leader Pierre Poilievre, calling him an even bigger “threat” than Trudeau.  

Before today, Singh had in place an informal coalition with the Trudeau government that began last year. This agreement has until now kept the Liberals in power until the next election, which is scheduled for the fall of 2025.  

It is expected that later today Singh will lay out in detail what his pulling out of the deal with Trudeau will fully entail. Some pundits have speculated that he may still support the Liberals on most bills, which would keep the Liberals in power.  

Late last month, leader of Canada’s Conservative Party Pierre Poilievre called on Singh to pull his support for Trudeau’s Liberals, so that an election could be held.  

Recent polls show that the Conservatives under Poilievre would win a majority government in a landslide were an election held today. Singh’s NDP and Trudeau’s Liberals would lose a massive number of seats.  

As reported by LifeSiteNews, the Trudeau Liberals were hoping to delay the 2025 federal election by a few extra days in what many see as a stunt to try and secure pensions for MPs who are projected to lose their seats. Approximately 80 MPs would qualify for their pensions should they sit as MPs until at least October 27, 2025, which is the newly proposed election date. The election date as it stands now is set to happen on October 20, 2025.  

LifeSiteNews, in a recent opinion piece by this writer, observed that most of the recent polling shows that if a federal election were held today, “Pierre Poilievre’s Conservative Party would not only mop the floor of the House of Commons of most Liberal MPs but wash the windows of the house on Parliament Hill as well with a tint of conservative blue.”  

“Canada is being held hostage by a pro-abortion, anti-life socialist party (Singh’s NDP) that currently represents only seven percent of the electable seats in the House of Commons, a surprising fact and a sobering reminder of how the parliamentarian process that governs the nation is flawed in many ways,” reads the commentary piece.   

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