It is time for America to wake up from its slumber.
In a recent prophetic warning video, Perry Stone gave a wake-up call to the church about what could be coming our way if we don’t turn toward the truth of God’s Word.
From his reading in Jeremiah, Stone discusses the concept of false security that priests and elders had back then, believing nothing bad could ever happen to them. This sense of false security is something Stone says he sees in the American church today.
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“There is a false security syndrome about America,” Stone says. “People say, ‘God has to have America’s money to support the gospel.’ Now, there was a day that was true. There was a day that the United States was the number one supporter of the gospel…we have these blinders on that we think America is the only one sending the missionaries. America is the only one printing the Bibles. It used to be that way. It is not that way now. So, when you say that God needs America’s money, with technology now people are able to get the gospel out with much less income than they used to and teach people in their language.”
Stone says the committed underground churches around the world are preaching the gospel, sticking to the Word of God and following Jesus with their whole hearts. Their dedication to the Lord is much more serious than the faith of most Americans.
“I have missionaries, five of them, that I support that tell me churches have cut off their mission support in America,” Stone says. “So once again, for us to say that God is just going to honor us no matter what we do no matter how we treat the poor and the needy, no matter how we treat churches, how we treat other believers…it’s a false sense if we say ‘America’s going to be okay.’”
Stone makes it clear that we cannot fall back on the good deeds of the past thinking that will secure our future. We cannot fall away from God and still claim to know Him.
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“Be careful of false security. I’ve heard people say God is never going to judge America until the tribulation because there’s too many Christians in America,” Stone says. “But I’ve seen selective judgment happen, so there is going to be chastisements and selective judgment coming from the Lord. And if we start ignoring the Scripture and we continue to legalize abominations…we are in very serious, precarious trouble.”
We cannot stay complacent in our walk with the Lord and believe that God will continue to bless us the deeper we get into sin. Instead, we must humble ourselves and turn away from the wickedness of the world and seek God’s face with true humility.
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Abby Trivett is content development editor for Charisma Media.