
6 Ways to Know if You’re in Lust or Love

Lust is like a firework—a dazzling, explosive display that lights up the night sky but quickly fizzles out, leaving only smoke behind. When you’re caught up in lust, it feels exhilarating. Your heart races, your thoughts are consumed by that person, and the physical attraction is almost overwhelming. It’s easy to believe that these intense feelings must be love, but in reality, they’re often driven by physical desire and the allure of the forbidden.

Lust thrives on the surface level. It’s all about appearances, about how that person makes you feel in the moment. The relationship might be intense, but it’s also shallow. There’s no depth, no real understanding of who the other person is beneath the surface. Lust doesn’t care about their character, their values, or their relationship with God. It’s focused solely on satisfying the immediate craving for attention, affection, or validation.

But here’s the thing about lust—it’s temporary. Once the initial thrill wears off, you’re left with emptiness. The connection fades, and you start to see the cracks in what you thought was love. You realize that the foundation of your relationship was built on shifting sand rather than solid rock.

Photo Credit: ©Pexels/Emma Bauso

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