
FBI Ridiculed for Message Targeting Foreign Adversaries – American Faith

The FBI has been ridiculed on social media after posting its strategy to combat election interference from foreign adversaries.

“Knock it off,” FBI Director Christopher Wray told possible election meddlers.

The post was immediately criticized.

“wow thatll teach em,” conservative activist Ashley St. Clair wrote on X.

Townhall columnist Phil Holloway wrote, “I’m getting the same vibes as ‘don’t,’” referring to Biden’s statement to Iran regarding attacks on Israel.”

John Bachman from Newsmax said, “The @FBI employing same tactic to stop foreign election interference that my dad used to keep my feet off the back of his car seat.”

Washington Free Beacon reporter Chuck Ross called the strategy a “fail-proof tactic.”

Rep. Mike Walts (R-FL) similarly said, “Xi, Putin, and the Ayatollahs are laughing at this and asking ‘Or what?’”

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