
NGOs Struggle Against Foreign Funding Laws, ICC Report Reveals

9/4/2024 Washington, D.C. (International Christian Concern) — International Christian Concern released its latest report focusing on the challenges faced by non-governmental and Christian organizations due to financial laws and regulations in India, China, Algeria, and Libya. These organizations, crucial for humanitarian aid, struggle against stringent laws that target foreign funding, making it difficult to support local communities. The Dissension of Financial Aid and Humanitarian Efforts in Algeria, India, China and Libya report highlights the growing obstacles in the neoliberal framework, particularly in nations like China, where initiatives like the Belt and Road Initiative further complicate funding for international NGOs. 

While these briefs do not offer specific solutions, they underscore the shared difficulties organizations face trying to operate within these restrictive environments. The report also raises ethical questions for Christian organizations as they navigate compliance with local laws while remaining faithful to their mission of fulfilling the Great Commission. Despite these challenges, the hope is that these briefs will spark discussions on how to overcome these barriers, ensuring continued support for humanitarian and religious work in difficult regions. 

To read the full report, click here. To read all ICC reports, visit 

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The post NGOs Struggle Against Foreign Funding Laws, ICC Report Reveals appeared first on International Christian Concern.

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