
Christian YouTuber Encourages Audiences to Vote Their Bible

Christian YouTuber Allen Parr has encouraged fellow believers to reflect on their political views and ask themselves which political platform best reflects the Bible.

Parr provided a breakdown of the policies of both the Republican and Democratic Parties, stressing that while neither party absolutely adheres to the biblical worldview, one does respect Biblical values.

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“My brothers and sisters, I’m going to go on record and say: Listen, these issues may not be important to you, although I believe they should be. But for me, the issues I just shared with you in this chart weigh so heavily on my spirit,” he said.

“They weigh more for me personally than issues like health care and criminal justice reform, although those are very important. But these issues weigh so much more heavily for me that I cannot, in good conscience, support a party that wants to redefine what family looks like—family, the very core of our society.”

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He explained that he “cannot vote to pass laws that would encourage and allow children to mutilate their bodies, sometimes not even requiring parental consent,” nor can he “vote for a party that wants to enforce laws allowing LGBTQ+ couples to marry one another.

“I cannot support a party that’s in favor of a parent possibly losing custody of their child because they don’t affirm that child’s decision to transition,” Parr declared. “I cannot vote for a party that supports little children of opposite sexes sharing bathrooms. I cannot vote for my daughter to one day have to compete athletically against a biological male.”

“I just can’t. I just can’t. For that reason, I’m going to go on record and say: I cannot support that party. You have the right to vote however you want, and this is not me pushing my perspective on you,” he said. “I’m simply sharing with you where I’m at and the reasons why I am choosing to vote the way I will vote.”

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He noted that he believes may Christians are “asking the wrong question.”

“When you place your vote, I don’t think we should be asking, ‘Does this party promote values that are biblical?’” Parr added.

“Because, as I’ve shared with you in this video, you could make an argument that both parties promote some biblical values,” he noted. “Rather, I think we need to be asking, ‘Which party is promoting values that are unbiblical, that directly go against the scriptures and against a Christian biblical worldview?’”

“I cannot tell you who to vote for or how to vote, but I can tell you that for me, these issues weigh more heavily. Even though they’re all important and should not be minimized, these issues are the ones that I believe are the weightier matters of the law.”

This article was originally published on American Faith, and is reposted with permission.

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