1. Communicate through Change
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As wives, if our husbands aren’t listening to us, it’s a cue to re-evaluate how we’re speaking to them. Questions to ask ourselves include “How are we approaching them with our words?”
Are we pointing out all the negative things happening in the world, complaining, nagging, picking fights, or overloading our husbands with information?
As Proverbs 21:19 points out, “Better to live in a desert than with a quarrelsome and nagging wife.”
Because many men are wired to fix problems, our words can cause them to feel overwhelmed and overloaded, in trying to figure out how they can make everything right for us.
Whereas we may have all this information pent up inside of us and just want to vent or share it with our husbands, it may come out unleashed like a volcano, erupting and spewing a hot lava fire of words over him, covering him with a heavy burden to bear.
Proverbs 25:24, explains how a husband might feel at this bombarding, “Better to live on a corner of the roof than share a house with a quarrelsome wife.”
Through self-reflection we can determine if we need to adjust our speech, to consider more effective ways of approaching our husbands with our words on a day-to-day basis. We can examine the patterns we’ve set up of communicating with them and be open to changing how we speak to them.
2. Communicate through Editing
I’ve discovered like many women, that sometimes the more words I speak to my husband, the less of my words he seems to hear.
Although I may think my talking is offering needed direction to him, stressing and strengthening my points, they may just be falling by the excessive expressions wayside.
Many women may believe “more is better,” when it comes to the amount of words we speak to our husbands. But instead of being beneficial, the more words we say can actually have the opposite effect, where our words become like a leaky, dripping roof in a rainstorm (Proverbs 27:15).
Mysteriously the less words I speak to my husband, the more impact they seem to have on him and the more effectively he seems to receive them.
Photo Credit: ©fizkes