
As Legal Battles Swirl, Pray for Our Elections! – Intercessors for America

Reading Time: 3 minutes

Did you know that, in this election cycle, Republicans have filed 72 lawsuits filed in the name of election integrity? That’s up from 41 lawsuits in the 2022 election cycle.

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Election integrity has been a focus of Republicans for years. Since the 2020 election, it has become a more important focus. The GOP has promoted legislation and filed lawsuits in cities, counties, or states where the election process may be compromised.

Twelve of the 72 lawsuits involve voting by mail and voter registration. We have covered some of these cases on Headline Prayer. Voter registration, in particular, has been a key issue for Republicans, as many conservative lawmakers fought unsuccessfully earlier this year to pass legislation mandating proof of citizenship to vote.

While Republicans have seen some judicial wins for election integrity, they are fighting an uphill battle. The left has met them at every turn. defending against their legal challenges and issuing some of their own. IFA President/CEO Dave Kubal recently interviewed two legal experts about some of these challenges.

Additionally, Republicans have to compete with narratives and media that are biased against them. For example, the website Democracy Docket recently reported on these legal battles. However, it referred to the aforementioned 72 lawsuits not as important cases to protect our elections, but as an “all-out assault on voting rights.”  With attacks like these, it can sometimes feel like conservatives have two options before them: give up on stopping fraud in our elections, or be smeared and targeted as an anti-voting-rights oppressor.

In such a tense and ever-shifting judicial, legal, and political landscape, it’s important that we do our part in the spiritual realm by praying.

How can I pray?

IFA has a host of resources dedicated to praying for our elections. For example, you can check our bookmark prayer guide for elections, our prayer guide for prayer walking for elections, or our prayer guide with action steps you can take to protect the vote. We’ve also launched Pray the Vote 2024, a website where you can pray for Christians by name to get out and vote. Furthermore, we are hosting weekly webcasts every Wednesday at 12:15 pm ET, where believers can pray for our elections.

Additional prayer points on the legal battle to secure our elections:

  • Pray for favorable trials. As Republicans fight for election integrity, they are often doing so in states that are not favorable to their side or their cause. Pray that God would soften the hearts of judges and jurors and that those fighting for secure elections would find favor in their sight.
  • Pray for favorable coverage. Democracy Docket is not the only site covering this issue or showcasing these legal fights through an unabashedly anti-Republican lens. Pray that God will cut through the lies and that the media will report only the truth.
  • Pray for favorable results. As these fights continue, pray that the Lord would allow those protecting our elections to prevail. Pray for favorable results that will result in safer and more secure elections across America.

Add your own prayers for our elections below.

(Photo Credit: Lorie Shaull from St Paul, United States – Vote Here sign in Minneapolis, Minnesota., CC BY-SA 2.0,

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