
How Can You Share the Gospel at Work This Halloween?

Rory Shiner believes ghosts are real and that we forget about that part of reality where demons and angels exist. In the Bible’s “three-decker universe,” you have “the heavens, the earth, and under the earth. God’s place, our place, and the place of the dead.” Shiner argues that demons are, in fact, the dead. Whether one believes that departed souls roam the earth or not, there is undoubtedly a sinister spiritual force out there. Paul talked about the spiritual battle in Ephesians 6, against which we wear spiritual armor. Without that spiritual armor, non-believers are often afraid of the dead, or they are comforted by the notion that departed loved ones are visiting them.

There are real, evil forces, as indicated in several Biblical accounts of demonic possession. We must be ready to provide the truth about ghostly encounters, including the truth about what those forces probably are – that is, they are not the souls of loved ones coming back to provide comfort – and the Savior’s power over those forces.

But “death” is a sensitive topic, especially for anyone who has recently lost a loved one or who is afraid of death, so we need to take time with a person and be gentle, even when telling the truth. Halloween will sometimes provide natural opportunities to engage an individual on this topic, so give some thought to what you would believe about ghosts if you were in their shoes, what you believed before you came to know Christ as Savior, and why.

Non-believers will often say that Christians believe in ghosts too – after all, their Savior came back from the dead. But Christ came back fully corporeal. He was not a ghost, although the disciples believed he was (John 20).

“Although the doors were locked, Jesus came and stood among them and said, ‘Peace be with you.’ Then he said to Thomas, ‘Put your finger here, and see my hands; and put out your hand, and place it in my side. Do not disbelieve, but believe.’” (vv.26-27) 

He is our Living God, who loves to provide real comfort to all who call on him.

Photo Credit: ©iStock/Getty Images Plus/Polina Lebed

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