5. The Religious Experience Proof: Millions of People Have Had a Personal Experience With God
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God must exist because hundreds of millions of well-adjusted people all over the world claim that they have experienced the love, forgiveness, peace, comfort and presence of God.
This can’t be taken lightly, especially when we consider the similarity of those experiences across the ages. There are also many, many experiences with God recorded in Scripture, from His visual and verbal interaction with Moses at the burning bush to His heart-to-heart conversations with David to Jesus’s time with the disciples.
A loving God has attempted on many occasions to establish contact with every living creature on the face of this earth.
Honest people can all remember an occasion late at night when God came near and said, “Come on, come on, you know that I am real. Stop pretending that I am not, that you don’t need me. Open your mind and your heart and see what I can do with your life.”
Every person here can remember a visit from God sometime in your life journey. The question is, what did you do with it? How did you respond? What action did you take?
Now, put all five arguments (cosmological, teleological, ontological, anthropological, and religious experience) on the scale and watch the scale tip in favor of the existence of God.
People who don’t believe in God have a lot of explaining to do.
That is why, ultimately there are only two religions in the world.
Man saves or God saves. Every world religion other than Christianity comes down to “Man saves by earning God’s favor.”
Christianity is accomplished by God, not God and man. God sent His Son for us. Through His Son, He bestows perfection and righteousness as a good gift … the free gift of eternal life.
You must respond. The biblical requisite for heaven is faith—trust. Transfer your faith from you to the cross.
We hope that these proofs are very helpful to you as you work through your own beliefs regarding God’s existence and as you discuss your thoughts with others.
Love, Roger and Julie
Photo Credit: ©GettyImages/Sinenkiy
This Ask Roger article may feature insights from Roger’s wife, Dr. Julie Barrier, co-founder of Preach It, Teach It, worship minister, concert artist, and adjunct professor at Golden Gate Baptist Theological Seminary, or his daughter, Brie Barrier Wetherbee, a sought-after Bible teacher and conference speaker, author, analyst, and Christian theologian.