New Research Details American Susceptibility to Authoritarianism

A new Public Religion Research Institute (PRRI) survey finds four in ten Americans (41%) are susceptible to authoritarianism. This finding …

A Commonsense Defense of Creeds and Confessions

Written by Ben C. Dunson | Thursday, September 12, 2024 One of the greatest benefits of explicitly stated creeds is …

The Organization of Veritas Presbytery

“In order to uphold our ordination vows, before God, our Father, the Lord Jesus, our Savior, and the Holy Spirit, …

The Uncertainties in Life

Every one of us is now experiencing the sad effects of living in a broken world, a world where uncertainties …

Humans Were Meant to Be Here

Despite the race’s fallen condition, Christians view human life as a blessing to be preserved, multiplied, and redeemed; and the …

Sharing with Fellow Believers in Their Sufferings

As Christian brothers and sisters united together in Christ, we must take time to be part of each other’s lives. …

Why Did the People of Nazareth Scorn Jesus?

Jesus notes a proverb that was just proven true. A prophet has no dishonor, except in his hometown. When a …

Abortion and America’s Final Christian Generation

“I don’t understand at all why pro-life Americans say they won’t vote for Donald Trump,” said the Hungarian pro-life activist …