Christian Men at War

Written by J. Chase Davis | Wednesday, September 11, 2024 On our heavenly pilgrimage, we don’t settle for the ghettoization …

Hidden Glory

As aspens reveal hidden fall glory, unexpected faith transforms astonished sinners. Formerly tarnished outlaws interiorize/showcase/reflect Redeemer God’s brilliant love/truth stashed …

Hiding behind Hedonism and Cynicism

The Christian knows that his ultimate joy is found in a saving relationship with God through Christ Jesus. The joy …

Not Perfect, but Pressing On

You are not perfect. Own it. See your deep weakness….We acknowledge our sin, and then we press on. We don’t …

Reformed Political Theology

Written by Simon P. Kennedy | Wednesday, September 11, 2024 As the world closes in on the Church in the …

9 Helps for a Successful Prayer Meeting

The most important thing is that we are gathering regularly as God’s people to seek His face, ask His blessing, …

Using the Sword of the Spirit in the Power of Christ

The result of yielding to Satan’s temptation is always destruction. But wielding the sword of the Spirit fends off the …

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