
The Perspective of a Godly, Wise Man

Such a man realizes that God oversees everything in his life, and even the worst and hardest events can produce a redemptive purpose. He works all things together for good. Any bitterness or anger at God or man can be laid aside as we see what God is doing.

How we see things is most always through the lens of our particular perspective, our bias. And, it’s not always right. This is why it is so critical to be a man who has humbled himself and listened to God. A man who sees all of life through God’s eyes finds the right perspective. And this changes everything.

Joseph was such a man. It is why his story stands out in human history. Joseph was used by God to deliver the Israelite nation in a time of famine. Indeed, he was used to save the whole world from worldwide famine. God used his brothers’ bitterness and hatred to get Joseph to Egypt and place him in a position where this could happen. Joseph could have been bitter at his brothers for their cruelty, but instead, he saw and embraced the sovereignty of God in all these affairs.

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