
The Storm

It is good to remind ourselves, in the middle of fierce storms – when it is frighteningly dark, and it feels like dead of night – that what is true of the world of meteorology is also true in the spiritual realm: monster storms are allowed to do their worst, but the God of Love, so orders His most-wise providence, concerning his child or Church, that destructive winds, that do his bidding, will cease sooner than we think. 

This is a record storm!

The pressure is dropping, it’s picking up energy!

Wow! Look at the backwall of the eye – it’s so sharply defined!

A sudden upgrade from Tropical Storm to a Category 2 Hurricane.

This is incredible! From Category 1 to Category 5 in 6 hours!

Now it’s turning North, but it will probably bend South-East!

It is now predicted to make landfall as a Category 4 – but what we really need to watch, as the wind-shear spreads this system out, is the huge storm surge which, we expect, will inundate low-lying ground.

So, get out while you can, or, if not, hunker-down and try to ride it out at home (not in the basement: stay on the second floor!) – please stay safe: this freak-weather-event could take your life if you’re caught!

Then, suddenly it’s here – it actually feels far worse: howling winds, lashing rain, flood-defences overwhelmed, debris in the air, trees uprooted and roofing torn-off – power lines crash down as transformers flash with sparks and the night-sky is lit up.

Then in the eye – quite eerily, a lull: it’s time to catch your breath in a brief respite of calm –

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