
The Means and Design of His Presence

We draw near in our day through the Word of God and prayer, continual repentance and faith, through the filling of the Holy Spirit and joining Him in His mission and continually abiding in Him. He is abundantly available to all those who seek Him, for it has always been His desire to dwell among us and be our God and us His people.

God plans for us to live in the constant, conscious awareness of His presence. He wants us to walk with Him in unceasing communion and unending joy. To this end, He has continually provided the means for this fellowship. If we cooperate, we will know the best of this in this life, a foretaste of eternity.

A Visible Reminder

As God was molding a new nation after He had delivered them from Egypt, He instructed Moses to build a tabernacle in the wilderness to aid this process. It would move with them in their travels and be placed among them when they stopped. It would be central to their encampment, always there, always present.

An Offering

Everything depended upon the people’s willingness to give. So God told Moses to raise an offering of materials to construct this dwelling place.

Tell the sons of Israel to raise a contribution for Me; from every man whose heart moves him you shall raise My contribution.
Exodus 25:2

The materials were specific: gold, silver, bronze, fine linen, etc. All these beautiful elements were purposeful and to be given willingly from “every man whose heart moves him.” God could have created this Tabernacle from thin air, but He desired for its building to be a partnership with those He had created in His image. He made us like He is so we could join Him in what He does. And this joint venture was another stunning reminder of that plan.

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