
Israel is leading the US into World War III, geopolitical experts warn – LifeSite

Help bring aid trucks into Gaza: LifeFunder

(LifeSiteNews) — Israel is leading the United States into a third world war – this is the startling claim made by retired Colonel Douglas Macgregor and backed up by the analysis of Professor John Mearsheimer.

In an interview with Judge Andrew Napolitano Thursday night, Macgregor explained how this has come to be the case, and why it is happening right now.

The U.S. government, he said, is out of control and acting beyond the law.

“We’ve got to come to terms with the reality that this government – this regime has no use for the law,” he said.

How has this happened? This is not the result of democracy, says Macgregor.

“It’s about a small group of people who’ve hijacked power and they’re exercising it – and the American people are paying very little attention,” he said.

Macgregor described the march to war with Iran as part of a plan to secure a “Greater Israel” – the expansion of Israel’s territory into that of weakened neighbors, partnered with the elimination or expulsion of all Palestinians.

Macgregor explains the recent leak of Israeli war plans for an attack on Iran as an attempt to prevent the outbreak of a “catastrophic” war, echoing claims made earlier in the week by former MI6 officer and British diplomat Alastair Crooke.

When Napolitano asked Crooke for the reason behind the leak, which came from a “senior Pentagon staffer,” he said, “I imagine someone is trying to stop World War Three from starting.”

READ: Many Jews do not support Israel’s war in Gaza, despite what the media has you believe

The Times of Israel confirmed the leak had halted Israel’s planned attack on Iran – for now.

If the war is so dangerous, why would America support it? The simple answer is that it does not – but Israel’s leadership does. Why? Macgregor says war with Iran is the “only thing [Benjamin] Netanyahu has got left.”

With its wars having no clear aim in Gaza and Lebanon, and with Hamas and Hezbollah still intact, Israel is beset by division at home, said the former Pentagon adviser.

Fears of civil war in Israel and a deepening economic crisis contribute to a sense that democracy has ended in the Zionist state, having been replaced with “a failed theocracy, noisy and violent,” according to Israeli newspaper Haaretz, “and its government is less Zionist than Biden is.”

The leader of that government, Netanyahu, says Macgregor, has no plan for the future and no way of getting there.

“The only play that is available to him at this point is to start a major war with Iran and then wait await the Iranian response – knowing that will bring in the United States,” he said.

What Macgregor is saying is that not only is Israel directing the policy of the United States, but it is leading America into a disaster of its own design.

“This has nothing to do with what is good or bad for the United States. Obviously, it’s all bad for us,” Macgregor explained. How can Americans expect to understand this situation?

“If we understand anything we should understand this,” Macgregor said. “Mr. Netanyahu continues to exert far more influence and power in Washington than anybody in the government today.”

“He is going to do whatever the hell he wants to do.”

Netanyahu, as is recognized in Israel and the U.S., wants the U.S. in a war with Iran. Now. Macgregor explains why the push for war is so urgent:

“If you are Netanyahu, you really have an incentive to launch your strike before the election. You want to get this war underway so regardless of whomever wins, they are stuck with fighting it.”

Macgregor’s timeline to catastrophe includes a startling summary of the scale of this war, which he says is very likely to involve the entire region, including NATO member Turkey – as well as Russia.

Yet even this is not the full scale of the “limitless” war that he says is threatened by Israel on Iran.

Macgregor says the Chinese president, and all the nations of BRICS, can be considered likely allies of Iran.

“[Chinese President] Xi [Jinping] and [Vladimir] Putin have both said to Iran we will stand with you – and, by the way, that probably includes another 80 countries in the world right now,” he said.

Macgregor is not the only commentator warning of a war on a global scale. Former Swiss intelligence officer Jacques Baud gives a sobering analysis of the military strength of Iran and its allies, describing the Pentagon leak as “an attempt from the U.S. to regain some kind of control over the decision-making in Israel.” Baud stresses the significance of wresting control back from Israel – “a country that lives out of war.” 

READ: Israel’s genocidal war conduct is taking a serious toll on its own soldiers

“Israel, since its beginning and even before its existence, started with fighting others,” he said.

Baud references the rejection of the 1922 partition resolution by Zionists, which led to a terror campaign, securing through violence the exit of the British from the Mandate of Palestine. A United Nations resolution of 1947 was passed to proclaim the state of Israel the following year. Baud says of Israel’s “continuing policy of force”:

“I remind you that the CIA advised President [Harry] Truman not to accept the [UN] resolution of 1947 because it would precisely trigger exactly what we are witnessing today.”

Baud says this is the root of the Israeli strategy of continuous escalation in violence and war.

“Israel is in this loop. It cannot go backwards because the thinking, the mindset is that ‘if we go backwards, that means we are losing, we are too weak’ – so this is tragic in fact, because they are condemned to go always further,” he said.

Baud is arguing that the lack of recognition of Israel’s foundational doctrine means that peace is not only impractical, but out of the question – as long as the Israelis are in charge.

Diplomatic realist Professor John Mearsheimer joined Napolitano in a separate interview, responding to a question as to whether the 80+ BRICS nations would come to military as well as economic confrontation with the U.S. and its allies.

Mearsheimer dismissed U.S. Secretary of State Antony Blinken’s recent claims of Israeli “successes.” Blinken has been described by retired ambassador Chas Freeman as “having failed in every diplomatic endeavor he has undertaken.”

Blinken said in two separate appearances that “Israel has achieved its strategic objectives.” Blinken twice stressed that all that now prevented peace was “the return of the hostages.”

Mearsheimer countered these claims, and also the belief that Blinken is working for the United States at all. He said Blinken was “Israel’s lawyer” and also “delusional.”

Mearsheimer said “it’s just hard to understand what he’s talking about,” explaining, “Israel has two stated goals in Gaza and then a third goal which they rarely state.”

These goals are, said Mearsheimer, “to defeat Hamas, to get the hostages back, and the key goal – to ethnically cleanse Gaza, to drive all the Palestinians out.”

None of these goals have been achieved, Mearsheimer says.

Mearsheimer’s claim about the second goal is supported by Israeli reports that Netanyahu has consistently blocked any attempt at a deal to return the hostages.

The former spokesman of the hostage families’ group in Israel said in April that there was “no doubt Netanyahu is preventing a hostage deal.” In a report by the Times of Israel, Haim Rubinstein says he quit the group, formed by the families of the hostages to campaign for their release, following “meddling” by Netanyahu himself.

Then on September 24, Haaretz reported a story with the headline: “New Evidence Reveals Netanyahu’s Relentless Efforts to Block Hostage Deal.”

Why does Blinken keep mentioning the hostages – as British Prime Minister Keir Starmer did, when he demanded the “return of the sausages”?

It is a performance which conceals the truth, suggests Mearsheimer, a verdict which chimes with that of the Israeli press.

A September 1 report from Israel claimed, “Israeli Hostages Die So Netanyahu Can Keep His Coalition Alive.”

If this is news to Americans, who hear that the hostages’ captivity is the reason for the war and its constant escalation, what of the admission by the U.S. that Israel possesses nuclear weapons?

The documents which leaked from the Pentagon showing Israel’s Iran war plan “acknowledge that Israel has nuclear weapons.”

Why is this important?

“We go to great lengths not to acknowledge that because it would have all sorts of consequences in terms of American law and what we could give Israel in terms of aid.”

The U.S. has known since 1961 that Israel was developing nuclear weapons, leading President John F. Kennedy into a “battle of letters” with then Israeli leader David Ben-Gurion. Kennedy threatened to cut off U.S. support for Israel, a threat which was neutralized when he, and later his supportive brother, were assassinated.

READ: How the Kennedy assassinations ushered in a Zionist occupation of America

Israel’s secret nuclear arsenal was revealed to the world in the 1980s with the revelation of Mordechai Vanunu, who spent years in solitary confinement for revealing Israel’s unacknowledged nuclear weapons.

Yet the U.S. government pretends to itself and to the American people that this nuclear capability does not exist. Nor does it acknowledge that, in the event of an existential threat to Israel, its “Samson Option” dictates it will launch its nuclear weapons as far and wide as it can, to “bring the world down with it” – as former Israeli leader Golda Meir agreed was Israeli policy.

Mearsheimer further warns that the planned Israeli strikes, though avoiding Iranian nuclear energy sites, could, in targeting oil fields, trigger a severe and immediate worldwide economic crisis.

“The United States has gone to great lengths to tell them not to [strike oil fields] because … huge negative consequences for the international economy are the last thing we need – especially before the election,” he said.

Mearsheimer, Baud, and Macgregor, after Freeman and Crooke, are warning of a nightmare scenario into which the United States is being led. This is the “war without limits” which Macgregor foresees.

The chief diplomat of the United States is misleading the American people. The U.S. government is not in control and is being led by a foreign power into a war which could end civilization.

The situation is so dire that top secret documents have been leaked to prevent the outbreak of this war, which cannot seemingly be prevented by any other means.

The system of American democracy is broken, or it is working as intended – depending on whether you are sitting in your chair or that of Mr. Netanyahu.

This is the news that these commentators from outside the captive media bubble of the regime are trying to bring you. Their analysis closes matches that from commentators within Israel itself, who have long claimed that Netanyahu is leading Israel into the abyss.

If the American people do not wake up, they and the rest of the world may be following it.

Help bring aid trucks into Gaza: LifeFunder

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