
The Only Rally That Matters to God – Intercessors for America

Reading Time: 6 minutes

Last week Vice-President Kamala Harris was giving a rally speech at the University of Wisconsin-La Crosse and turned to her favorite topic – abortion. She said…

“We remember. Donald Trump hand-selected three members of the United States Supreme Court (boos from the crowd) with the intention they would undo the protections of Roe v. Wade … and they did as he intended.” (More boos)

Then two young men shouted out, “Jesus is Lord!” and “Christ is King!” to which Ms. Harris snapped, “You guys are at the wrong rally.” The crowd cheered mightily at her quip, and the moment went viral on social media.

Ms. Harris’s speaking style is highly scripted. It’s no secret that she reads her rally speeches off a teleprompter. She has her memorized talking points and repeats them in answer to nearly every question. She is well-known for her meandering word salads that never say anything. She is not known for thinking quickly on her feet or speaking off the cuff.

So did this quip, “You guys are at the wrong rally” reveal her true heart? Jesus said in Luke 6:45, Out of the abundance of the heart, the mouth speaks.

These students, Grant Beth and Luke Polaske, said nothing against abortion and weren’t wearing any MAGA hats, yet they were still escorted out of the rally at their own college. Was it because they had spoken out in the name of the Lord?

Was Jesus Thrown Out?

In speaking with Fox and Friends, the students shared how they were heckled by the crowd, shoved by an elderly woman, cursed at and mocked.

Since they were only 20 to 30 yards away from Harris, Polaski believes she was “100% talking to us” as she waved the students goodbye.

Beth said, “In reality, we did God’s work and were there for the right reasons, and God is watching us in this moment.” Indeed, God is watching.

Was it also Jesus, His Beloved Son, who was mocked, heckled, and asked to leave because He, too, was an unwanted guest at the Harris rally?

A Modern-Day Esther?

On the Sunday after this Wisconsin rally, Ms. Harris was at the New Birth Missionary Baptist Church in Stonecrest, Georgia, where she received a warm and loving reception.

Pastor Jamal Bryant glowingly compared her to a modern-day Esther, believing Ms. Harris was born for such a time as this…to lead the country and rescue minorities from destruction at the hands of a Republican government… just like Esther rescued her people.

As I read this account of this pastor’s sermon, I couldn’t help but think of how Satan is the great counterfeiter. In 2 Corinthians 4:4, the Apostle Paul warns,

Satan, who is the god of this evil world, has made him (and her) blind, unable to see the glorious light of the gospel…

With his lies blinding the minds of people, Satan has set himself up as a counterfeit of the Creator God. Was he using Pastor Bryant’s sermon to set up his own counterfeit Esther to blind people?

Just the week prior, on October 12, the Day of Atonement (Yom Kippur), people from around the world came to Washington DC to answer the call to raise up Esthers and Mordecais to pray and save our country. People cried out to the Lord in repentance for the sins of the nation, such as abortion, sexual sin, witchcraft, idolatry, increasing paganism and more. Demonic altars were smashed and the Lord was exalted that day!

To read more about this incredible outpouring of faithful prayers, read my colleague, Joyce Swingle’s, IFA article here.

Can we be surprised then that a week later a pastor is suggesting a counterfeit Esther is here to save us? To more fully understand Ms. Harris’s heart, please read my article here about what her Faith Engagement Director believes.

As Scripture says, Don’t let others spoil your faith and joy with their philosophies, their wrong and shallow answers built on men’s thoughts and ideas, instead of on what Christ has said (Colossians 2:8).

Vice-President Harris responded to Pastor Bryant’s Esther claim with her own words to the congregation.

“Our country is at a crossroads,” she said. “And where we go from here is up to us, as Americans, and as people of faith. We face this question: what kind of country do we want to live in? A country of chaos, fear and hate, or a country of freedom, compassion and justice?”

But what does V.P. Harris mean?

V.P. Harris says we, as Christians, should want a country of freedom, compassion, and justice. I think Americans can agree on that. But does she mean what God means?

What does Harris mean when she says freedom?

Is she referring to freedom in Christ, to individual freedom to hold God as the Creator and to acknowledge that all of our rights and freedoms come from God the Creator… and not the government? Do we have the freedom to speak out against the evil in this world, such as abortion, the sexualization of children, the genital mutilation of minors, same-sex marriage, and fornication, for instance. as well as stand for the sanctity of biblical marriage, and the truth of God’s Word? Do we have the freedom to stand for the gospel and proclaim Jesus is Lord?

What does Harris mean when she says compassion?

By compassion, does she mean accepting everyone’s lifestyle and not judging them in the light of Scripture? Is nothing sinful? Does loving our neighbors mean accepting their lifestyle and not to do so is discriminatory and unloving? Under this pressure, many churches are surrendering to the culture. Those that believe Jesus is Lord are branded hateful for their biblical worldview. But this shallow compassion imperils the eternal souls of our neighbors. Is it loving to ignore sin and not proclaim that Jesus saves and offers real love and eternal life?

What does Harris mean when she says justice?

Harris’ record indicates what she believes about justice. She supports a redistribution of power and resources to minorities and anyone determined to be oppressed. She uses the term “social justice,” which includes reproductive justice (abortion), economic justice (socialism), climate justice, LGBTQ+ justice, and so on. Biblical justice, on the other hand, flows from God’s holiness and goodness, upholding good and denouncing evil.

The Good Samaritan Gospel

In answering her own question, Harris spoke of the Good Samaritan and good deeds as the path to peace.

She seems to wander through Scripture, picking out the verses that appeal to her and discarding the ones she doesn’t like.

In her speeches, Harris does not embrace biblical teachings on life, sexuality, and sin. She disregards the authority of our Lord Jesus, disinviting Him from her rally. And it appears believers who submit in obedience to God’s word are not welcome either.

As John Stott, the well-known English evangelist, once said, “To despise the Word of the Lord is to despise the Lord of the Word.”

If you believe Jesus is Lord, would V.P. Harris even want you to vote for her?

The One True Rally

Every person who declares themselves Christian must decide… do you follow and obey Jesus as Lord and Savior and King? Do you live a life in obedience to ALL of scripture?

Or do you follow the false, shallow counterfeit god of this world, bowing to the culture that opposes God, and face an eternity separated from God?

Vice-President Harris is right about one thing… The direction of our country will be decided by people of faith. That’s you and me. We must pray. We must stand. We must vote to stem the tide of evil washing over our country.

Never mind wrong rallies or right rallies. For the true, Gospel-believing Christian, there is only one rally that matters…

There before me was a great multitude that no one could count, from every nation, tribe, people and language, standing before the throne and before the Lamb. They were wearing white robes and were holding palm branches in their hands. And they cried out in a loud voice: “Salvation belongs to our God, who sits on the throne, and to the Lamb.” (Revelation 7: 9-10)

Jesus is Lord. Amen. See you there!

Let us Pray

Heavenly Father, we pray for Vice-President Kamala Harris that she would invite you into her heart and life. That she would acknowledge You as Lord and Savior, the only way, truth, life, and path to You. Give her a hunger for your Word to know and study it so her eyes will open to the glory of Christ. May she repent of her radical positions on abortion, transgenderism, and the LGBTQ+ agenda and stop denying the truth of the gospel.

We pray for all who are entrapped by these deceptions. They are lost sheep under the blinding power of the god of this world and his false gospel. May they be set free by the power of the true gospel of Christ the King.

We ask that You protect the hearts and minds of every voter from all those who distort the truth. We pray for a great outpouring of ‘Jesus is Lord’ believers to turn out to vote and vote as You direct them. We pray for Your mercy on our nation and for Your good and perfect will to be done in the mighty name of Jesus Christ, Amen.

Belinda Brewster analyzes cultural, political, and world events from a biblical worldview. Belinda’s passion is to equip, support, and encourage parents and grandparents who are courageously battling against the spiritual and cultural forces impacting children and grandchildren. 

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