
United Airlines employees continue ‘David v. Goliath’ lawsuit over COVID jab mandate – LifeSite

U.S. citizens: Demand Congress investigate soaring excess death rates

(LifeSiteNews) — After more than three years of legal roadblocks thrown up by both the courts and powerful New York attorneys, a group of United Airlines employees – either forced to quit or otherwise harmed by United’s (UAL) tyrannical, government-backed COVID vaccine mandate – are doubling down in their quest to hold the airline, its corporate officers, and its board members accountable.  

By seeking accountability from the airline for the vaccine mandate that inflicted pain and suffering on so many employees and their families, the group, which calls itself “Wings For Accountability” (WFA) doesn’t hope only to change the way UAL treats its employees. They also look forward to a tectonic shift within the world of U.S. corporate culture, after which religious and conscience rights will be held sacrosanct.   

“For over 3 years, 28 plaintiffs have committed to establishing accountability through legal action to hold United Airlines accountable for their violations of Constitutional rights and established law in addition to employee medical and religious rights,” a statement by WFA appealing for liberty and demanding justice, begins.   

WFA aims to reestablish and secure the hope that has been stolen by tyrannical, totalitarian violations. 

“We’re David going up against Goliath, against one of the biggest law firms in the world, Jones/Day,” the lead plaintiff, pilot Thomas Anderson, told LifeSiteNews.

“United can’t pretend they didn’t know that [what they did] is against the rules,” added his former UAL colleague, pilot Thomas Floyd.   

Forced to leave UAL even after their applications for religious exemptions from taking the untested, experimental COVID vaccine were granted, both were fortunate to find employment with other airlines.

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On November 14, WFA’s attorney, John Pierce, and UAL’s Jones/Day will offer oral arguments before the 7th Circuit Court of Appeals in Chicago.   

Over the last decade, Pierce has taken on some of the most controversial and constitutionally significant cases in the nation. Clients have included Dr. Carter Page, Mayor Rudy Giuliani, George Papadopoulos, Tulsi Gabbard, Kyle Rittenhouse, and over 20 defendants in connection with the events at the United States Capitol on January 6, 2021. 

“This case is actually not so much about United Airlines. It incorporates freedoms and liberty for all employees in America,” Floyd told LifeSiteNews when the group first launched its legal suit against UAL in 2023.  

“If we don’t stand up and stop this, they will do it again,” he said. 

While other airlines pressured their cockpit, cabin, and ground crews, as well as others, to submit to the COVID-19 “vaccine,” they did stop short of making it mandatory for continued employment. United Airlines was different. According to Anderson, UAL made it clear to its thousands of employees: “It’s the jab or your job.”  

“If we win, if we prevail, it will set a precedent so that no other employer could ever, ever do this to their employees again,” said Floyd.  

Holding corporation decision makers accountable 

Floyd detailed how the group is not just pursuing a legal action against the corporation, they are holding United’s senior corporate officers and members of UAL’s board of directors, including some who have left the company, accountable for their actions and inactions.  

“When they cross the line and start doing something that’s illegal, all bets are off,” said Floyd. “They violated the law.  We’re holding them personally liable as well.” 

“They need to lose their houses, they need to lose their treasure, they need to lose their golden parachutes,” the pilot continued.  “We want this to set a very, very harsh precedent: If you break the law, you’re going to lose everything. EVERYTHING.” 

“That’s why they’re all named individually in the lawsuit,” said Anderson. “They all could have stood up and said, ‘This isn’t right’.” 

But evidently, none did. 

‘This lawsuit is going to change the world’ 

WFA firmly believes that, after they prevail in court, others will have a precedent-setting case clearly showing that the Emergency Use Authorization (EUA) law was violated by either forcing employees to submit to the vaccine against their will or firing them.  

“We’re not in it just for us. This will open the floodgates. This will crack open the dam,” explained Anderson. 

“This lawsuit is going to change the world,” declared Floyd. “This is going to change the way employers can control and manipulate their employees. This is going to change everything.” 

 “We’re going to win. They’re going to lose.”  

Wings For Accountability 

Pilots Anderson and Floyd have been joined by 26 other brave men and women – pilots, mechanics, flight attendants, ramp and customer service professionals – in this legal complaint to let UAL know that there is a high price to pay for willfully deceiving, coercing, harassing, and inflicting grave physical harm on Americans by enforcing an unfounded, unjustifiable, dangerous medical mandate.  

“United Airlines illegally reached into our personal medical decisions. They demanded that employees take the shot or else face termination, regardless of our right to refuse them,” a statement from Wings For Accountability explains. “They obstinately ignored counsel contrary to the mandate, and callously discarded 1,000’s of years of corporate experience for the sake of a marketing idea.” 

READ: Slovak COVID commissioner calls pandemic a ‘fabricated operation,’ calls for end to vaccines

The statement continues: 

People were coerced and bullied into taking an Emergency Use Authorized, unapproved medical product that had yet to reach full safety testing. Consistent with 20 years of compliance conditioning, many complied, but many resisted too. More and more people are awakening to the realization that we were duped. They took more rights from us and exacted more authoritarian control over us. They were creating new mandates and control measures while we were realizing that they could no longer be trusted. They would continue to exert more and more control unless something changed. Suddenly, voices could be heard saying, “Why doesn’t someone just do something?” But while they were making rules for us to follow, they felt no obligation to comply with those very rules.

They sneered in our faces when they were caught in their hypocrisy. There was no accountability for them, only for us. This has resulted in the utter collapse of our society. Trust is lost. Skepticism, discrimination, lack of respect, and violence are at all-time highs. We at Wings For Accountability are doing something. We have formed a 501c4 organization to restore goodness, decency, and trust. We know that if accountability is restored, our future will be bright again. We have a 3-pronged strategy to make this come to pass.

  • First, we will prevail over United Airlines and send a message to every other employer that you cannot make reckless decisions for employees without being held to account. This case further identifies the highest level of decision makers at United and holds them personally responsible too. They will not be allowed to hide behind the corporation, shrug their shoulders, and walk away. Their personal resources are in jeopardy. Their decisions to break the law implicates them on a personal level never prosecuted like this before. They will account for their recklessness with their own treasures.
  • Secondly, but concurrently, we are going to establish precedent that will prohibit this kind of thing from happening to future generations. Our kids and our grandkids should have and enjoy the rights we enjoyed. Generations Alpha and Beta will enjoy freedoms many of them may never have yet seen.
  • Thirdly, we will help those who have been injured by the mandates. We will provide resources and experts to help us heal. We have seen a diminished trust in our medical sector. Doctors receive more skepticism now than ever before. Through education, outreach, litigation, and legislation, we will restore trust in our medical system.

U.S. citizens: Demand Congress investigate soaring excess death rates

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