
Fr. James Martin used All Souls Day to support homosexual ‘marriage,’ contradicting Catholic teaching – LifeSite

(LifeSiteNews) — Pro-LGBT Father James Martin, S.J. promoted a same-sex “marriage” on All Souls Day, pushing the women further into their life of sin.

On November 2, Martin posted an article describing how a woman in a same-sex relationship drew comfort from the Catholic Church after the death of her female partner.

“For All Souls Day: ‘How a Catholic woman’s faith provided comfort after the loss of her wife,’” Martin wrote.

While the richness of the Catholic faith and Christ’s forgiving love would be a comfort to someone who was previously in a same-sex relationship, the woman, Mary Ann Meadows, does not seek to reconcile her lifestyle with the Catholic Church.

Meadows’ article, published by “LGBTQ Catholic resource” Outreach, celebrates the women’s “marriage” and claims it is in keeping with Catholic teaching.

However, the Catechism of the Catholic Church clearly states that marriage is between one man and one woman. The Catechism further declares that “homosexual acts are intrinsically disordered” and “under no circumstances can they be approved.”

But perhaps the most tragic part of the woman’s account is the fact that Meadows turns to Christ for comfort after losing her partner with a limited understanding of the Catholic faith, meaning she will remain separated from Christ and a life of grace until she understands God’s true plan for marriage.

“While the memory of Diane’s last days and death are still raw, my faith has helped me navigate her loss and continues to do so each day,” she wrote.

However, dissident priests, including Martin, have failed to correct Meadows’ view of marriage and reveal the true doctrine of the Catholic faith, instead leaving Meadows to live a life apart from Christ and His Church.

Martin’s post was roundly condemned on social media. Many of the comments pointed out that the Jesuit was not promoting true Catholicism but allowing Christ’s flock to wander away from the Church.

“James Martin, SJ is a man of faith. It just happens not to be the Catholic faith,” the Lepanto Institute wrote.

Another priest, Fr. James Mawdsley, condemned Pope Francis for promoting Martin, who actively uses his platform to draw people away from the Catholic faith.

“Francis, you platform this man (Fr. James Martin) who seeks to destroy God’s order for the family, instead of disciplining him,” he wrote. “You entertain so much misery. You do not protect the sheep from the wolves. You do not defend the deposit of Faith. Spinelessly or demonically, you abandon souls to mortal sin and hell.”

“Please understand, you will fail completely,” Mawdsley declared. “Whatever in hell you are trying to do, your darkness achieves nothing, for it is overwhelmed by the light of Christ. We know His voice and we recoil from your lies.”

“Jesus is love. You are a total fake. We despise the devil. We reject him. Have you sold your soul to him? It is not too late for you,” he continued.

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