In every presidential election season, emotions run high. Unfortunately, the biggest emotion is not usually hope, but fear and anxiety because each side is wondering what happens if the other candidate wins.
After the results of any election, the emotions don’t suddenly tamp down, they still run high and probably more so in this divided political climate we now live in. If your candidate won this past election, then you probably feel excitement and optimism. However, if your candidate did not win, then you are probably feeling despair and pessimism. While those feelings are real and valid, as followers of Christ we can’t live in those feelings; our hope goes beyond who is in the White House.
We must also recognize that Washington, D.C. cannot solve the biggest problem in our nation, which is a sin problem. This applies to both democrats and republicans. The sin problem is at the root of every issue we face in our nation, and there is no politician on earth that can fix that, because that is not their job. That responsibility belongs to the followers of Christ.
As we move past the election and now enter the post-election season, our country still needs prayer. I want to share with you some prayers for peace to reign in our nation now that we are past this election.
Photo credit: ©Getty Images/Delmaine Donson