
From Broken Pieces to God’s Perfect Plan

Welcome to My name is Rachel Rector. I am an author, and I am a Christian, and here’s how that came about. When I was a freshman in high school, we got horribly robbed to the point that they took our pictures and shattered them all over our floor.

Glass was everywhere and our pictures were torn to pieces. Then I inched my way to our my bedroom and I saw that they took apart my day bed piece by piece. They took away all my precious things like my precious moments and my beanie babies and they even took a basket full of my dirty laundry.

I remember going to our neighbor’s house because we couldn’t stay there. There was glass and broken things everywhere, and our parents did not want us to stay there. We went to our neighbor’s house, and I remember my head hitting the pillow in a still, small voice saying, Rachel, Rachel, you’re living for your material things.

Your possessions don’t matter. That’s not where your identity is. You need me.

I need to be a have a home inside of you and so I remember going to sleep that night and the next morning I woke up and I wanted to know more what that looked like because he gave me the scripture. Matthew 6:19-21. Do not store up for yourselves treasure on earth where moth and rust destroy and where thieves break in and steal, but store up your for yourselves treasures in heaven where moth and rust do not destroy and where thieves do not break in and steal for where your treasure is there your heart will be also and so I was on a journey to try to figure out what did that look like what does that mean to live for Jesus instead of my things.

I was a teenager, and so I went to an FCA weekend away, and after hearing speaker after speaker, it was the same kind of thing. At that moment, I decided to accept Jesus as my savior, but it kind of stopped there. I didn’t really live out everything and it wasn’t until later on that my parents got a divorce and I remember being at a crossroads because I had lost my possessions as a freshman now as a senior and then eventually as a freshman in high college I no longer had this family that’s what my identity was focused on and so I eventually got married and had four children and it was in that journey of motherhood and being a wife and eventually losing title as teacher so that I could stay home as a stay-at-home mom and I learned that Jesus was my savior but I had not accepted him as my lord and so through a lot of wrestling for a year to two years that’s when I finally gave my life to Jesus as lord letting him guide me and his will be my direction and my path instead of mine and so that is a piece of my story of how I became a Christian a true follower of Christ so be blessed today remember that your identity is not in your things your possessions it’s not in your titles it’s not in your roles but your true identity is being a Christ follower daughter or son of the king of kings be blessed today and visit regularly because God’s not finished with our story or your story.

Photo Credit: SWN Design 

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