
Don’t Waste Your Marriage

Men, pay attention: don’t waste your marriage. Don’t settle for a life of comfort and consumption. You were made for more than this. Your marriage was made for more than this.

In today’s culture, marriage is little more than a mutual agreement to share a life and expenses while grinding away at work and playing hard on the weekend. A partnership of convenience, stripped of higher purpose, with mutual affection, or even love, mixed in.

You know this couple. You may be this couple. They got married to be married. Both work full time, their lives revolve around jobs that fund their weekends. No children are planned or desired. Their union lacks a calling beyond the here and now. Their days stretch into weekends, which stretch back into workweeks. And on it goes—a cycle without cause. It’s not a marriage; it’s a contract with no enduring purpose.

This trend is far too common, even among Christians. The problem isn’t that these couples lack love or respect for one another. The problem is deeper: a loss of vision for what marriage is meant to be. When stripped of its God-given purpose, marriage becomes a hollow shell, unable to deliver fulfillment and incapable of honoring God.

But it doesn’t have to be this way. God designed marriage for a purpose far greater than comfort or companionship. Embracing these purposes is the key to flourishing in marriage and glorifying the One who designed it.

Marriage is Ordained for the Mutual Help of Husband and Wife

God saw Adam alone in the garden and said it was not good. He made Eve, a helper fit for him (Genesis 2:18). From the start, marriage was about companionship, about two people working together through life’s trials and joys. A husband and wife were made to complement each other, to be stronger together than apart.

Paul tells husbands to love their wives like they love their own bodies (Ephesians 5:28). Peter says to live with them in understanding and honor, as co-heirs of life’s grace (1 Peter 3:7). Marriage is not a competition. It’s a partnership, a shared life. A husband cares for his wife, and she follows him as they run after the task God has given them.

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