
Rise of the Occult: Derek Prince’s Prophetic Words on What Will Release the Antichrist – Charisma News

In October of 1989, the late Bible teacher Derek Prince delivered a sermon in Bromley, England, titled “True and False Christ.” Now, decades later, his message resonates with alarming relevance as society witnesses an explosion of occult practices and permissive moral decline. Prince’s Scriptural insights offer a sobering perspective on the cultural climate that prepares the way for the Antichrist—a perspective that feels startlingly prophetic in today’s world.

Prince began by referencing Paul’s warning in 2 Timothy 3: “Now as Jannes and Jambres resisted Moses, so do these also resist the truth.” He noted that Jannes and Jambres, the magicians of Egypt, were practitioners of the occult, emphasizing that “the battle was not on the level of theology; it was on the level of power.” This distinction shows us a critical reality: as this age draws to a close, theological arguments alone will not suffice. Instead, believers must demonstrate a power greater than that wielded by the enemy, the power of the Holy Spirit. Prince’s observation holds a mirror to the present, where supernatural themes saturate popular culture, from movies and TV shows to social media trends like “WitchTok,” a TikTok community centered on witchcraft and occult practices.

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“One of the major features of this period is an explosion of the occult,” Prince warned. He described a society characterized by “the deterioration of human character, a lot of nominal Christianity that doesn’t exhibit its power, and an explosion of the occult.” These words echo in today’s widespread fascination with the supernatural. Celebrities openly engage in rituals, tarot readings and astrology, while television series and films glamorize witchcraft, demonic possession and sorcery. This normalization of the occult mirrors the cultural shift Prince foresaw—a shift that undermines biblical values and invites spiritual deception.

Prince’s analysis of 2 Timothy 3:13 is particularly striking: “Evil men and impostors will grow worse and worse, deceiving and being deceived.” He highlighted the Greek word for “impostors,” which he translated as “enchanters,” tying it directly to practices of magic and sorcery. “Why do people enchant?” Prince asked. “What does that speak about? Magic, witchcraft, sorcery.” The surge in such practices today—not only in entertainment but in everyday life—reveals how deeply entrenched the occult has become in our world.

Revelation 22 adds another layer to Prince’s message: “He who is unjust, let him be still unjust; he who is filthy, let him be still filthy; he who is righteous, let him be still righteous,” (Rev. 22:11). Prince described this as a “parting of the ways,” where the righteous grow holier while the wicked grow more corrupt. This moral polarization is evident in today’s permissive culture, where societal norms no longer restrain behavior. Social media platforms amplify both extremes, with influencers promoting righteousness and others openly embracing witchcraft, spell-casting and rebellion against God and His values.

Prince turned to Daniel 8:23 for a chilling prediction about the Antichrist: “When the transgressors have reached their fullness, a king shall arise, having fierce features, who understands sinister schemes.” He explained that human rebellion against God must peak to release the Antichrist. The cultural embrace of the occult, coupled with increasing corruption and rebellion, align disturbingly with this prophecy. “The corruption that’s been at work in society ever since Adam fell is increasing,” Prince declared. “And there’s no way to reverse it.”

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Yet, Prince’s message was not one of despair but of hope. He emphasized that God’s solution is not to reform the corrupted but to create something entirely new. “God’s remedy is a new creation. He doesn’t try to patch up the old, or improve it, or reform it. He says, ‘Away with it. I’ll bring forth something new that’s uncorrupted, that’s pure, that has its origin in God.’”

As we navigate a world increasingly drawn to the occult, Prince’s words challenge us to live as witnesses of God’s power and truth. His call to righteousness and spiritual discernment is more urgent than ever. In a society captivated by the supernatural but devoid of biblical grounding, the church must rise to demonstrate the greater power of the Holy Spirit—a power that overcomes deception and prepares hearts for Christ’s return. Prince’s message from 1989 serves as both a warning and a call to believers today: stand firm, grow in holiness and resist the tide of spiritual darkness that seeks to engulf the world.

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James Lasher is staff writer for Charisma Media.

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