Introductory note from LifeSiteNews co-founder Steve Jalsevac: We at LifeSiteNews have discovered that the Zionist state of Israel has vastly more power and influence in the world than almost everyone realizes. That is partly due to its disproportionately large military-industrial complex tied closely into the U.S. one, which in turn is also heavily infiltrated by Zionists.
This article reports on one chilling part of the joint Israeli/U.S. complex, an American surveillance software company, and the now very wealthy non-governmental businesses and Zionist owners involved.
Even U.S. Secretary of State Antony Blinken, the third most powerful person in the U.S. government, is in practice more of an agent for the foreign government of Israel than a promoter and defender of U.S. interests first.
Colonel Douglas Macgregor and others whom LifeSiteNews has been quoting, have been increasingly indicating this about Blinken. In the current administration, with Biden and Harris both being incapable of governing, Blinken has likely taken over the most important decision-making roles of the president. President Joe Biden, who appointed him, has explicitly stated that he (Biden) is also a Zionist.
Israel and the United States have been constantly testing their weapons and military-grade software programs during the many conflicts they have been involved in both within and outside of Israel. The Ukraine war is also being heavily used for that testing.
War is seen as an opportunity, and control of humans has become a massive, highly profitable industry in both nations. Israel is probably the most advanced militarized state in the modern world, in proportion to the percentage of citizens involved in its military and war-related industries.
The United States has by far the largest military in the world, so large that no one has been able to audit it. Most items produced for the U.S. military are said to cost far more than what the Russians or Chinese spend to produce similar, at least as good or better weapons and software.
Both the U.S. and Israeli equipment and software producers, government and private, need to constantly create and demonize enemies to justify their ongoing wars, the obscene amount of taxpayer dollars spent on them, subsequent massive business profits, and new ways to track and control their own citizens and those in other nations.
The following article by Frank Wright is what we call a “blockbuster” investigative report on a development everyone needs to know about.
(LifeSiteNews) — Palantir is a company you may never have heard of. It has almost certainly heard of you. Growing from a startup with Elon Musk’s former business partner, it has grown to become the all-seeing digital eye of the deep state.
In this report, LifeSiteNews focuses on the power of predictive artificial intelligence, developed by Palantir to counter what is too broadly labelled as “terrorism” in Israel – and in the U.S. in future.
Its terrifying reach into every aspect of human life is powering an algorithm with the capability to deliver automatic death to any target it selects. As this report shows, it is in the multi-billion-dollar business of producing solutions to the problem of global “terror.”
Yet Palantir powers the same military-industrial and surveillance complex which created the “war on terror” almost five decades ago. A 2018 Bloomberg report showed how this CIA-backed company “knows everything about you,” saying Palantir is “a data-mining company using War on Terror tools to track American citizens.”
Explosions of terrorism – such as 9/11 – are a boom time for this business, whose business is now also the identification of terrorists. This vicious circle is closing a loop around the political machine which is now replacing the liberal order.
Its technique has been refined over a quarter of a century in which the production and sale of a global terrorist threat has been monetized – by the same deep state selling lucrative solutions to a manufactured crisis.
This is the story of the digital deep state.
Partnership with Israel
Palantir announced a strategic partnership with Israel in January 2024, building on its supply of Artificial Intelligence-powered “predictive policing systems.”
This use of predictive algorithms has a history going back decades. It emerged in the surveillance boom which followed the September 11 attacks.
Today, Palantir is also developing predictive profiling algorithms to identify “domestic terrorists” from the left and right in the U.S. – before they commit any crimes. It is also providing “pre-pandemic” predictive models to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention and the World Health Organization, powering a potential future wave of digitally mandated and supervised global lockdowns.
AI-generated kill lists
Palantir technology has been used to generate kill lists of Palestinians which result in the automation of death. Targets are identified, located, and killed in a process completely independent of any human input.
The co-founder of Palantir, Peter Thiel, is a homosexual and lifelong Tolkien fan. He named the company he founded with Alex Karp after the indestructible “seeing-stones” called Palantiri, featured in the Lord of the Rings.
Thiel’s love of the books does not appear to be inspired by the Catholic faith of their author. They are also a story about the craving for absolute power – and the madness ignited in men by the quest to possess “one ring to rule them all.”
The Palantiri are, after all, a tool of the all-seeing dark lord Sauron.
Peter Thiel was also Elon Musk’s business partner, co-founding PayPal in 1998. How did he answer questions on the use of Palantir technology to create “AI-generated kill lists” in Israel?
As Responsible Statecraft has reported, a video emerged in July 2024 of Thiel responding to questions over the use of the charmingly named “Lavender” predictive AI system, which has been shown to have killed numerous innocent civilians since October 7.
In the video, you can:
… see him stumble and stutter and buy time when asked what he thought about the use of Artificial Intelligence by the Israeli military in a targeting program called “Lavender” – which we now know has been responsible for the deaths of an untold number of innocent Palestinians since Oct 7.
Thiel signed off, saying simply, “I defer to Israel.”
Well, don’t we all?
As Kelly Vlahos concludes:
For Palantir, overseas wars are clearly paying off, but not so much for Palestinians, or, for that matter, Americans who may find themselves subject to this prediction, surveillance, and targeting technology, soon enough.
Thiel may be stuttering on stage, but there is a clear message here, if anyone is listening.
Automating murder
An investigation by +972 Magazine established the fact that Palantir’s predictive algorithms had directed the murder of innocent civilians – which it had identified as potential or actual terrorists.
See below a short rap video exposing the Palantir-directed genocide in Gaza and other kill programs that Israelis have themselves developed to do the same. The video, The Song Israel Doesn’t Want You To Hear, is one of the most powerful items LifeSiteNews has seen on the suffering of Gazans. Most Israelis don’t know the extent of what is going on. The government censors most of it.
Again, Palantir is developing similar technology to monitor you in your own country.
This export model from Israel expanded enormously in the wake of 9/11, as the new terrorist threat exported Israel’s permanent state of emergency globally. It could now also export the technologies of surveillance and security – and killing – which it had developed over its 70-year history of foundational violence.
That Palantir’s technology in Israel selects and kills people at random is only the beginning of the story. To understand how the digital direction of death and dictatorship became a billion-dollar industry we must go back – to the birth of the “War on Terror.”
Creating the business of global terror
The concept of “terrorism” as a U.S. National Security issue appears to have been invented by Zionists in the late 1970s. As Kit Klarenberg has reported, Zionist “neocons” such as Daniel Pipes and Paul Wolfowitz persuaded then-CIA Director George H.W. Bush of an argument presented by Benjamin Netanyahu in 1979.
Netanyahu said he had founded the Jerusalem Conference on International Terrorism that year:
… to focus public attention on the grave threat that international terrorism poses to all democratic societies, to study the real nature of today’s terrorism, and to propose measures for combating and defeating the international terror movements.
As Klarenberg reports:
It gathered together a 700-strong mob of Israeli government officials, U.S. lawmakers, intelligence operatives from across the “Five Eyes” global spying network, and Western foreign policy apparatchiks.
This led to the adoption by the U.S. government of the concept of a global terrorist threat – on the model of Israel’s strategic worldview. Terrorism was going to be big business. Why? The U.S. deep state now believed that “‘Terrorists’ constituted a single, organized political movement that was being secretly financed, armed, trained, and directed by the Soviet Union.”
“This devilish nexus, it was claimed, posed a mortal threat to Western democracy, freedom, and security, requiring a coordinated response,” Klarenberg wrote.
As Diana Ralph noted, the War on Terror was born in 1979.
9/11 – ‘Israel struck oil’
The infamous remarks of Benjamin Netanyahu that 9/11 was good for Israel are better known than another – which helps to explain what Netanyahu meant.
The attacks of September 11 created a new industry of “Homeland Security,” including mass surveillance, airport screening, and security measures – a rich market for related technologies pioneered and refined in Israel.
“Israel has struck oil,” as Naomi Klein wrote in 2007. Describing Israel as the “Laboratory for a fortressed world,” she explained:
The oil is the war on terror, the state of constant fear that creates a bottomless global demand for devices that watch, listen, contain and target “suspects.”
READ: From the Cold War to 9/11: A look at Israel’s spy regime in the US
In his 2010 article, “The merchants of fear – how Israel profits from homeland insecurity,” Maidhc Ó Cathail explained: “In order to exploit that resource to the full, Israel needed the likes of Chertoff, Lieberman, Schumer and Specter to hype the concept of ‘homeland security’ in the United States.”
He asked the one question which is never posed when homeland security is sold to the public: “Americans, however, should have been asking a couple of pertinent questions. Which homeland? And whose security?”
Israeli Hebrew-language outlet Ma-ariv reported in 2008 Netanyahu said that, “We are benefiting from one thing, and that is the attack on the Twin Towers and Pentagon, and the American struggle in Iraq.”
The remarks then appeared in Foreign Policy magazine, which also noted that Netanyahu explained that 9/11 had “swung American public opinion in our favor.”
The Economist cited the same report. Yet the link to the article on Haaretz reporting these comments in English is dead, and there is no archive of the page.
Palantir and the deep state
Projects involving digitally collected data had been already underway in the U.S. deep state – using the kind of predictive AI that is Palantir’s stock in trade.
In a 2021 report, Whitney Webb noted that, “In the aftermath of the September 11 attacks, DARPA, in close collaboration with the U.S. intelligence community (specifically the CIA), began developing a ‘precrime’ approach to combating terrorism known as Total Information Awareness or TIA.”
The secretive research arm of the Pentagon, DARPA, announced the existence of a project called LifeLog in April 2003:
The Information Processing Technology Office (IPTO) of the Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency (DARPA) is soliciting proposals to develop an ontology-based (sub)system that captures, stores, and makes accessible the flow of one person’s experience in and interactions with the world in order to support a broad spectrum of associates/assistants and other system capabilities.
The objective of this “LifeLog” concept is to be able to trace the “threads” of an individual’s life in terms of events, states, and relationships.
At the same time, a Total Information Awareness initiative had been undertaken by DARPA, to ask Congress to fund a global surveillance program which would abolish privacy worldwide. As Whitney Webb’s report on “The Military Origins of Facebook” explains:
The purpose of TIA was to develop an “all-seeing” military-surveillance apparatus. The official logic behind TIA was that invasive surveillance of the entire U.S. population was necessary to prevent terrorist attacks, bioterrorism events, and even naturally occurring disease outbreaks.
When Congress balked at this, amid public outcry, it was rebranded as, “Terrorism Information Awareness.”
This emotive makeover did not work. Neither Congress nor the American people would accept the creation by government of the kind of Big Brother state they associated with the Soviet Union.
In July 2003, Wired reported that “A firestorm of criticism ignited after Lifelog was made public in May.” Despite “Bending a bit to privacy concerns,” DARPA could not get the public to accept its program to monitor – and mine – every aspect of their lives for data.
And so, both initiatives were launched by businesses instead.
Facebook was launched on the same day LifeLog was cancelled by DARPA – February 4, 2004. Its first major outside investor was Peter Thiel.
Social media platforms like Facebook and Twitter – as well as search engines like Google – are offered free to users in exchange for the details of their lives. These details are the data which is mined to create algorithms – turning human behavior into machine code. This code is then used to predict, profile, and shape human behavior.
This is the business of Palantir, which has engineered the automated delivery of death from the patterns of human life it has harvested. It was founded by Alex Karp and Peter Thiel – Stanford Law School “buddies” who “reconnected” in the year 2000, as the Wall Street Journal reports in its 2009 account of the Palantir story:
In 2003, Mr. Thiel pitched an idea to Mr. Karp: Could they build software that would uncover terror networks using the approach PayPal had devised to fight Russian cybercriminals?
The Journal goes on to say that Palantir was founded the following year:
The two launched Palantir in 2004 … but they attracted little interest from venture-capital firms. The company’s $30 million start-up costs were largely bankrolled by Mr. Thiel and his own venture-capital fund.
The Journal does not mention that the first outside investor in Palantir was the In-Q-Tel fund – which is owned by the CIA. As Forbes noted in 2013:
Palantir lives the realities of its customers: the NSA, the FBI and the CIA – an early investor through its In-Q-Tel venture fund – along with an alphabet soup of other U.S. counterterrorism and military agencies.
How has Palantir developed since then? A recent tweet from Whitney Webb summaries her research on the deep state datamining behemoth which she claims is “running both parties” in U.S. politics:
Palantir is not just a military contractor, it was a company created to privatize and house the Bush-era, neocon-run surveillance program Total Information Awareness (TIA).
TIA was shut down by Congress because it would have eradicated the constitutional right to privacy, but Palantir has accomplished that and gotten away with it because it is a private sector entity.
Webb reminded readers that the CIA was Palantir’s “earliest funder besides Peter Thiel … [and] first client for its first years as a company,” adding that “Palantir engineers” went to the CIA “every two weeks for years for guidance in developing their products.”
Webb concluded:
If there ever was a CIA front company, it’s Palantir. (Though Peter Thiel has since quipped that the CIA is a front for Palantir).
From 2004, Palantir went on to be awarded contracts by the new secretary of Homeland Security, who came to speak at their 7th Annual Palantir Government Conference in 2011. A leaked email advertising the event reads:
DHS Secretary Michael Chertoff and National Center for Missing and Exploited Children Assistant Executive VP Linda Krieg and Executive Director Michael Geraghty.
Chertoff – who co-authored the sweeping powers of the Patriot Act, continues to bang the drum for the terror business. As the late Irish journalist Maidhc Ó Cathail noted in 2010:
Somehow, nobody thought of asking Michael Chertoff whether his mother had ties to a foreign country’s intelligence service during the Senate confirmation hearing on his appointment as secretary of Homeland Security in 2005.
By 2008 this one-time startup had begun to eclipse the agency which had first sponsored its work:
In the last five years Palantir has become the go-to company for mining massive data sets for intelligence and law enforcement applications, with a slick software interface and coders who parachute into clients’ headquarters to customize its programs.
Palantir has the power to “crawl, tag, and integrate every scrap of a customer’s data, and … can elucidate problems as disparate as terrorism, disaster response and human trafficking.”
Its predictive AI is used by Big Pharma, to analyze mortgage applications, and detect financial fraud. Big Brother watches you everywhere, and he has made Alex Karp very rich.
In short, wrote Forbes, “A CIA-funded firm run by an eccentric philosopher has become one of the most valuable private companies in tech.”
Karp cited his own personality as a guarantee of privacy. How can privacy be secured when Palantir seeks to know and predict everything about everyone?
“I didn’t sign up for the government to know when I smoke a joint or have an affair,” he told Forbes, which went on to report that Karp stated in a company address, “We have to find places that we protect away from government so that we can all be the unique and interesting and, in my case, somewhat deviant people we’d like to be.”
Bottom line: your privacy is safe, because Alex Karp is a “deviant.” You might say he is not alone.
His partner at Palantir was outraged when he was “outed” as a homosexual by celebrity gossip site Gawker in 2007. Thiel defended his right to privacy by later funding a lawsuit against the now-defunct outlet, which filed for bankruptcy in 2016 after losing the case.
Thiel went on to announce, “I am proud to be gay” at the 2016 Republican National Convention.
Anything on the internet is “scraped” by data miners. Doing this was what made the co-founder of Palantir, Alex Karp, his fortune. He was a student of “cultural Marxist” intellectual Jurgen Habermas, and began his career as a research assistant at the Sigmund Freud Institute in Germany.
The U.K. Times reported in 2022 that Karp “grew up near Philadelphia in a ‘super-intellectual, very far left’ house as a mixed-race child, his mother an African American artist, his father a Jewish pediatrician.”
According to the report, he was an early social justice warrior:
He went to a lot of protests. “It was a very unusual environment,” he says, recalling that most of his mother’s friends “were gay artists.”
Why mention Karp’s identity? He has said himself that his heritage and views not only make him a target but also informs how he uses the power of Palantir.
A 2020 report by the New York Times showed a neurotic Karp “plagued by a sense of inevitable doom.”
Describing his parents as “hippies,” he invited readers to picture his identity:
You’re a racially amorphous, far-left Jewish kid who’s also dyslexic – would you not come up with the idea that you’re f****ed?
It is this background which he says produces an anxiety that his enormous wealth has not diminished. As the Times noted, “If the far right came to power, he said, he would certainly be among its victims.”
“Who’s the first person who is going to get hung? You make a list, and I will show you who they get first. It’s me. There’s not a box I don’t check.”
His fear, he said, “propels a lot of the decisions for this company.”
The Times reported that Karp said his last holiday was Passover, a Jewish celebration during which the “Jews are instructed to kill off the tribe of Amalek,” as David Goldman writes for First Things:
During the Passover Seder, Jews recite the following verse from Jeremiah 10:25: “Pour out your wrath on the nations that do not know you and on the families that do not call your name.”
The instruction to destroy Amalek was echoed by Netanyahu over the most recent Passover in April 2024. His references to the Jewish religion to legitimize the killing of children was cited against him, in the case brought against the Israeli leader for war crimes and genocide.
This is a narrative which is often repeated by Israeli politicians, providing religious grounds for the dehumanization and destruction of Israel’s enemies, who are also America’s enemies – as Karp deftly presents them here.
— Elon Musk (@elonmusk) December 8, 2024
Elon Musk replied to this saying it was “based” – a word coding this as positive for the online right.
Yet Karp is arguing here that peace is really the creation of terror. He does so expertly, with a performative neuroticism familiar to viewers of fellow “deviants” Larry David and Woody Allen, and casually frames the “woke pagan ideology” of enemy common to both Zionists like himself and the Christians and conservatives to whom he is appealing. He repeats the new deep state meme – “The war has come home.”
This is also an admission that the neocon project of “regime change,” begun after 9/11, has changed the regime of the West – into a permanent “security” state on the model of Israel.
In May 2024 Karp appeared with Google executives, CIA head David Cohen, and U.S. military chiefs, at a conference on the “Future of Geopolitics and the Role of Technology.” He said “I’m the new Oppenheimer” – declaring himself the successor to the leader of atomic weapons Manhattan Project for the U.S. Karp says Palantir can provide the same strategic advantage “to America” as did the bomb.
He does not mention this “advantage” was almost immediately canceled by the passing of American nuclear secrets to the Soviets by two left-wing Jewish spies.
Speaking on protests against Israel’s genocide in Gaza, he said “the peace activists are war activists,” saying ““We are the peace activists.”
As the Guardian reported:
A huge aspect of war in a democracy, Karp went on to argue, is leaders successfully selling that war domestically. “If we lose the intellectual debate, you will not be able to deploy any armies in the west ever.”
Karp not only presents his data mining eye of Sauron as the savior of America, but also of the West – framing Israel’s interests, actions, its religiously inspired war crimes and permanent state of emergency, as identical with the fate of Christendom.
The Irish journalist Maidhc Ó Cathail died in 2017. In 2011 he wrote on the long-term “neocon” aim of starting a U.S. war with Iran – and how the case for war could only be made with a spectacular terror attack on the lines of 9/11.
He cited a 2009 paper from neocon “think tank” the Saban Centre, whose authors, he says, ruefully noted that the required provocation from Iran to start this war may never come:
Since it would be up to Iran to make the provocative move, which Iran has been wary of doing most times in the past, the United States would never know for sure when it would get the requisite Iranian provocation. In fact, it might never come at all.
The paper, called “Which Path to Persia,” states that, “Most European, Asian, and Middle Eastern publics are dead set against any American military action against Iran” – before suggesting “an overt, incontrovertible, and unforgivable act of aggression – something on the order of an Iranian-backed 9/11” would be necessary to marshal public support and world opinion behind a U.S. war on Iran.
But why would the U.S. want to attack Iran at all? The Saban paper itself says the Iranians have never attacked the United States and are extremely unlikely to do so. Ó Cathail’s conclusion cites a deep state agent to provide an answer:
When asked “who would want to create the impression” that the United States needs to engage in military activity against Iran, former CIA operative Michael Scheuer said, “If I was looking at a counterintelligence operation to decide where this information came from, I’d be very interested to see if I could find an Israeli hand or a Saudi hand.”
Thanks to [the Saban report], that search can now be narrowed.
Following the line of Alex Karp, the conditions for “peace” have been generated in the creation of a terror threat from Iran. If anyone can sell the American people this reckless war touted as a project of peace – it is Palantir.
Alex Karp presents Palantir as the guarantor of American peace and prosperity, when it has been central to the creation of the digital deep state, whose partners in crime have themselves created the terrorism to which Karp now offers a solution.
It sells security while automating death, and its wealth is assembled from the details of your life it has trawled from the internet. He appears to model himself on a man whose nuclear weapons were dropped on civilians in the name of peace, and his software helps Israel decide which hospitals, churches, and houses get bombed next. Its technologies are coming to a country near you.
Palantir pursues a full spectrum posture, like the stones of Sauron from which it takes its name. Seeing all, being all powerful, its CEO quirkily claims the power to decide who shall live and who shall not, in the name of peace and security.