
Imprisoned pro-lifer: I am hoping for Trump’s pardon but also preparing not to receive it – LifeSite

(LifeSiteNews) — Today is January 22, 2025, the day the Church remembers the preborn in a special way through prayer and fasting. We recall the unspeakable tragedy of many millions upon millions of babies that have been slaughtered in the abortion holocaust. We also pray for the respect and protection of every preborn human person. This is a somber day for prayer and penance.

Our nation is also now three days into the new presidency. Many executive orders have been signed by President Trump. Many promises have been kept. This includes seeing my January 6th friends released from this prison on the night of the inauguration. I am so happy that they have been freed! They and their families suffered so much from abuse by the Biden DOJ. Trump said he would pardon these political prisoners – and he did. Deo gratias.

But Trump called pro-lifers in federal prison “political hostages” too. He also lamented our own abuse suffered under a weaponized DOJ. He also promised to pardon us.

And yet, we remain as prisoners of conscience.

READ: Sen. Josh Hawley calls on Trump to release pro-lifers imprisoned by Biden admin: ‘They deserve to be free’

How should a rescuer respond to this apparent omission and broken promise?

First, it is important to recognize that the presidential pardon could still be in the works. Trump had many executive orders to sign, thus we may just not have been a top priority to him. So we continue to hope for the best but prepare for the worst.

Second, this is a day to remember the preborn lives in danger, and this should be our focus. They have absolutely no legal protection at the federal level. Plus in many states, there are zero restrictions whatsoever regarding these precious children of God being wantonly dismembered alive. For rescuers, our entire DOJ-sponsored “retreat” in prison is a time of prayer focused on these abandoned preborn whose lives are in danger today and every day. We also pray for those hurt by abortion and the women and men suffering post-abortion trauma. Our mission includes praying for the salvation of souls caught up in the horrors of the culture of death. This is Day 514 of our prison retreat.

Third, I believe it is important to NEVER FORGET that all of the roughly 65 MILLION babies murdered in the U.S. did NOT get a pardon either. They were totally ignored. 52 years after the deadly Roe v. Wade/Doe v. Bolton decisions which unleashed hell in the womb – there has still been no word of apology for all of the countless victims of the American Holocaust. As Dr. Monica Miller says, “The government acts as if these little babies never existed.” This is a terrible scandal! A horrible shame!

Along the same lines, rescuers need to recall that our Lord Jesus Christ received no pardon. The crowds cheered for a murderer, Barabbas, to be pardoned, while Pilate washed his hands of any responsibility for truth or justice. When we are overlooked for a pardon, we share our small suffering in union with Christ the King. This is a spiritual honor and an opportunity to seek greater communion with Almighty God through His grace.

READ: Trump admin quietly removes pro-abortion HHS website on first day

When we intervened at the D.C. late-term abortion mill we were not doing this in order to get a pardon. We did not rescue with any intention to get notoriety or fame. It was not a political act. It was not a publicity stunt.

We rescued to save innocent human lives, touch the hearts of the abortion-tempted mothers and fathers, and bear witness to the truth of human life’s inviolable value before the abortion mill staff as well as before the civil servants in the government who have the dire responsibility to defend life.

Furthermore, rescues are an effort to enter into deeper solidarity with the persecuted preborn. We share, ever so slightly, in their abandonment, their being forgotten, their justice being ignored. We embrace this as a privilege since we are able to offer our small witness that their lives might be spared. It is an honor to serve. Even when there is no pardon for us.

Nevertheless, if a pardon shall materialize I plan to gratefully accept Mr. Trump’s offer of freedom from the tyranny of an unjust state. It would be a blessing.

But I think there must be a sober willingness to realize that the pardon may never come.

In the meantime, we continue to hope for the best and prepare for the worst.

This was the same attitude as the day we rescued. We hoped for the best. We hoped that the mothers and fathers would choose life. We hoped that the abortion workers would give up their grisly trade. We hoped that the babies would be loved and protected. We hoped the government would do its job. But we also prepared for the worst – abuse, arrest, show trials, and imprisonment.

We rescuers always see our situation as “win/win.” In a rescue, if the abortion mill closes – it is a big win since no babies are murdered that day! But if we do all we can to save lives and we still face unjust arrest and punishment – it is also a win because we are able to offer all we have in prayer, fasting, and reparation.

This holds true now too, as we await a promised pardon… one that may never come. It is a win/win situation. If we are pardoned, we win since we will get to enjoy our freedom, eagerly returning to our loved ones and to church and to our pro-life work. If we are not pardoned, we also win since we are able to continue our retreat of prayer, fasting, and reparation – begging God with our very lives for an end to the culture of death and a new culture of life.


May God’s will be done. Whatever He permits is for the best. In His will is our peace.

Meanwhile, we pray that President Trump might become authentically pro-life and do all that he can to end violence against the preborn. Without exception. We pray that the next four years will see newfound and unprecedented protection for all babies and moms and dads in all 50 states across our great nation. We pray and fast that all would work to make America abortion-free again. Most of all, we pray for a change of heart, that Americans would love preborn babies, pregnant mothers, and expectant fathers – with the love of Jesus’ own most Sacred and Pierced Heart.

READ: Imprisoned pro-lifer: I will see you at the March for Life if President Trump pardons me

Until this becomes a reality, rescuers strive to say “Fiat” to the plan of Almighty God. Please pray for us to be faithful.

Collect from today’s Liturgy:

God our Creator,
we give thanks to You,
Who alone have the power to impart the breath of life
as You form each of us in our mother’s womb;
grant, we pray,
that we, whom You have made stewards of creation,
may remain faithful to this sacred trust
and constant in safeguarding the dignity of every human life.
Through our Lord Jesus Christ, Your Son,
Who lives and reigns with You in the unity of the Holy Spirit,
God, for ever and ever.

Our Lady of Fatima, pray for us.

+Ad Majorem Dei Gloriam

To send a letter (not a card) with your good wishes to Will Goodman, please write to the following address:


FCI Danbury

Federal Correction Institution
Route 37

Danbury, CT 06811

When writing to prisoners in federal institutions, readers are asked to remember the following general advice:

  1. If accepted, your letters will be opened by prison staff and the envelopes discarded. If you hope the prisoner will write back, include your mailing address in the letter itself.
  2. Use ink only, blue or black, whether writing by hand or typing.
  3. Paper should be no larger than 8.5”x 11”.
  4. Use standard envelopes and clearly write both the prisoner’s and sender’s addresses.
  5. Use white stationary.
  6. Do not send any cardboard item: no Mass or Christmas cards.
  7. Do not use crayons, markers, glitter, stickers or perfume.
  8. Write on one side of the page.
  9. Do not exceed five pages.
  10. Do not draw anything that could be construed as a gang symbol.
  11. Check the prison’s regulations regarding photographs or any exceptions to the above.

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