(LifeSiteNews) — With a Trump-brokered ceasefire in Gaza underway, what is the state of the State of Israel?
A new, thought-provoking video from retired Colonel Larry Wilkerson and geopolitical analyst Alex Krainer, shows a view most viewers of mainstream media simply cannot see – that Israel is in “total disarray.”
On January 18 Wilkerson, former chief of staff to U.S. Secretary of State Colin Powell, joined Krainer on the Dialogue Works channel to discuss the “strategic defeat” of the Zionist state on the battlefield, partnered with a growing internal crisis.
Krainer, who is a former Croatian soldier and now geopolitical and economic analyst, agreed with Wilkerson that Israel’s endless and deepening crisis is perpetuated by unconditional U.S. support.
What crisis, you might ask? According to both men, Israel has not only been defeated – it is headed for self-destruction.
Wilkerson believes that the United States has been manipulating Israel for decades to advance its Middle East policies. That is the only Wilkerson opinion in this video that Colonel Douglas Macgregor, Scott Ritter, Alastair Crooke, and almost all other conservative commentators would strongly disagree with.
Most of them have repeatedly emphasized the exact opposite, that Israel is the tail wagging the dog. The tiny nation has managed to gain astonishing influence over mighty America’s foreign policy in the Middle East and elsewhere on anything affecting its Greater Israel aspirations.
‘The Israeli state is teetering’
Wilkerson’s appraisal of the state of Israel is shockingly blunt: “Israel is teetering on the brink of extinction right now.”
Wilkerson explains why he thinks this is the case: “Partly because its own people are giving up on it … partly because it has driven itself to this point and partly because it is an international pariah.”
He says that the “stigma of what Israel has done over the past 15 months” will be “very difficult” to remove: “I think we’re at a very serious point for Israel. I think we’re at a point where the Israeli state is teetering.”
“It certainly is not a democracy anymore. At best it’s an apartheid state with Jews running it.”
Wilkerson’s comments may seem extreme, but perhaps not to anyone who reads the Israeli and Jewish press, where such views have been frequently aired on the fate of Israel under Netanyahu over the past three years.
Israel ‘an apartheid state’
Wilkerson’s view of the “apartheid state” of Israel is one which exceeds any prior example – for its use of violence against its non-Jewish subjects.
“That’s what it really is and everyone else – who is a third- or fourth-class citizen or even worse – has a 500 PB bomb dropped on their head.”
Wilkerson notes that the bombing of non-Jews takes place “on the West Bank” as well as “in East Jerusalem,” before explaining “it’s certainly in Gaza where probably 150,000 people now are dead.”
Wilkerson says the medical journal The Lancet has “missed” the death toll in Gaza “by about 70,000.”
He says this Zionist-supremacist view “is true anywhere Israel treads”, as he also points out “they don’t even treat some of the Jewish Israeli citizens well.”
He notes how even Israelis such as those who built the kibbutzes “don’t fit in with the Zionist dream.”
“It’s an apartheid state. It certainly doesn’t exist for Jews, because for them it has to be a safe haven. It is anything but.”
He adds, “It certainly doesn’t exist for the Arabs or Palestinian Arabs because as I said they’re fourth, fifth-class citizens … much the way blacks were in the U.S. in the [1950s] and before.”
Peace a defeat for Israel – and Netanyahu
Alex Krainer stressed that the recent ceasefire brokered by Donald Trump has seen Netanyahu accept a deal which he has refused to take for a year – as Haaretz reported on January 14:
“It’s a defeat for Israel but it’s particularly a defeat for Benjamin Netanyahu and his government – because all of a sudden he was forced to accept terms of a deal that he never intended to accept.”
With Israeli media reporting today that Netanyahu is moving to sabotage the deal, Krainer explains the context of this U-turn in that of a wider “strategic defeat” of Israel. The ceasefire deal is, he says, “a logical development – because the path that Israel was on was clearly unsustainable. They took on everybody in their neighborhood with the exception of Jordan. They made enemies out of everybody. They lost public support everywhere around the world.”
Krainer sees the Israeli dependence on the U.S. as another strategic weakness: “They wholly relied for their security on the United States which cannot realistically guarantee Israel’s security. That is clear by now.”
Krainer describes a dire situation for Israel’s economy: “I think with the economic collapse and everything that Israel has been strategically defeated.”
Krainer concludes that Trump’s policy may therefore be to “rein Israel in … in order to preserve it” from a self-destruction which Israelis themselves have forewarned for years.
Restraint or destruction?
With tensions high within the state of Israel, and with uncertainty over precisely how the “mercurial” Trump – as Wilkerson describes him – will conduct future U.S./Israel relations, both Krainer and Wilkerson agree that unless significant changes are made under the Trump administration, there will be no change from a permanent state of emergency in Israel.
A criminal ‘war’
Will those changes “rein in” the rogue state, whose nuclear brinkmanship threatens global war? Or will the Trump administration see the “real war” break out which Wilkerson fears may be the only way to “settle a situation where you constantly bleed people”?
Wilkerson says that such a war would involve “Iran, Turkey, and the United States trying to hold its own.”
Iran now has a firm ally in Russia. It is therefore also likely that a sustained, major war against Iran would risk conflict to some significant degree with the world’s most nuclear-armed nation.
Wilkerson quotes the Jewish-American analyst Edward Luttwak, who he says “wrote an article [that said] some wars must end.”
Wilkerson is likely referring to Luttwak’s 1999 piece in Foreign Affairs, titled “Give War A Chance.” He went on, “In that article he suggested that some wars were necessary. That you’re not going to settle issues unless you have a war.”
The problem with this thesis, according to Wilkerson, is that this was not a war – but a crime: “Well, this was no war. This was a slaughter. This was a genocide. This was murder.”
He says war cannot settle this matter, but a legal process could – if it were possible: “Israel should be before the ICC. They should be drummed out of court and put in jail … and so should the United States of America.”
U.S. has created ‘an arc of chaos’
Wilkerson says of the U.S. leadership which has supported Israel unconditionally: “We should be standing before the bar with Netanyahu, [Bezalel] Smotrich, [Itamar] Ben-Gvir and all the rest of those thugs – and we should be sentenced.”
“But it won’t happen because we’re the big dog on the street on this side of the globe.”
Wilkerson’s startling appraisal of the state of Israel – and the complicity of the U.S. in its “genocide” is bookended with another warning – that there is “another big dog out there now … creeping up on us.”
Wilkerson concludes that it is not only Israel which is heading for a strategic defeat: “We have designed an arc of chaos to stop this creep of power away from the American Empire and towards the new Empire in the East led by China.”
With Trump promising to “Make America Great Again,” both Wilkerson and Krainer offer hard lessons from recent history for any nation with grandiose ambitions.
What both men point to is the cautionary example of Israel – as an example in how to avoid self-destruction – when driven by dreams of power with no balance.