
I’ve Heard It Said That Motherhood Is a Woman’s Highest Calling

Maybe we shouldn’t swing the pendulum so far that we put motherhood on a pedestal that God himself did not design for it to be placed upon. We have put this reverence and power—maybe even idolatrous thinking—on motherhood that, really, God did not create himself.

Our Primary Family Is Eternal

I’ve heard it said that “motherhood is a woman’s highest calling.” And if you’re a woman in the church, I’m guessing you’ve heard it too—maybe at a baby shower, maybe at women’s Bible study, maybe from the pulpit. This is something we say inside the church fairly frequently, but I do want to encourage us to stop and think about it.

First of all, what’s true is that motherhood is so good. Motherhood was designed by God, and it’s a good gift from above. I love being a mom. I love coming alongside other mothers. I love being in groups of moms and just encouraging them to look at their motherhood through the gospel, how to raise their kids in the Lord, and to have joy in motherhood. I think that is a worthy endeavor.

But if we really pause to think about what our highest calling is, I just want to encourage myself and my friends to remember that it really can’t be motherhood. First and foremost, we are children of God. We are Christians, whether we’re man, woman, young, old, married, or unmarried. We are Christians. We are God’s children.

And so our highest calling is to know God and to make him known. Or you might say it’s to love God and to love others. It’s to glorify God. It’s to know him and to share him with others. That’s our highest calling, whether we are married or single, mothers or not.

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