WASHINGTON, D.C. (LifeSiteNews) — Republican U.S. Rep. Chip Roy of Texas introduced a bill to defund the radically pro-abortion, Chinese Communist Party-partnered United Nations Population Fund (UNFPA).
Roy introduced in Congress on Thursday afternoon the ‘‘No Taxpayer Funding for the U.N. Population Fund Act” that would prohibit funds from any government department or agency from being given “directly or indirectly” to the UNFPA. The UN agency focuses heavily on securing access to contraception and abortion around the world as methods of “family planning.”
In 2017, Trump suspended funding to UNFPA, citing the Kemp-Kasten Amendment that prohibits U.S. funding to any program supporting coercive abortion or sterilization. The UNFPA partners with China’s National Health Commission despite the fact that it has facilitated coercive abortions and sterilizations.
Before leaving office, Secretary of State Mike Pompeo made a formal determination that “since at least March 2017,” China had committed “crimes against humanity” against ethnic minorities, including forced abortions and sterilizations.
“The United Nations Population Fund is a globalist, Orwellian, propaganda machine that shills for the Chinese Communist Party its brutal mandatory abortion practices,” Roy remarked in a statement shared with LifeSiteNews. “President Trump was absolutely right to end taxpayer funding to this corrupt and anti-life organization during his first term and I look forward to him doing so again.”
“At the same time, Congress has a duty under our Constitutionally vested powers to ensure that U.S. tax dollars — regardless of which administration is in the White House — can never flow to this dystopian propaganda machine under any future administration. That’s why we need to put this bill on the President’s desk right away.” Roy said.
Carol Tobias, president of National Right to Life, on Thursday praised Rep. Roy’s move to defund the UNFPA:
The United Nations Population Fund (UNFPA) has worked hand-in-glove with the abortion industry to promote unlimited abortion in other countries. When women and their pre-born babies need basic healthcare, shelter or running water, the UNFPA promotes abortion. American taxpayers should not be forced to participate in the deaths of unborn babies by abortion or forced to supplement the multi-billion-dollar abortion industry through the UNFPA.
This bill is cosponsored by Republican Reps. Michael Cloud of Texas, Paul Gosar of Arizona, Michael Guest of Mississippi, Andy Ogles of Tennessee, Mary Miller of Illinois, Pete Stauber of Minnesota, Andy Biggs of Arizona, and Dan Crenshaw of Texas.
This bill is also supported by Texas Right to Life, Concerned Women for America Legislative Action Committee, CatholicVote, Live Action, National Pro-Life Alliance, American Principles Project, Susan B. Anthony, Students for Life Action, National Right to Life Committee, Ethics & Public Policy Center, and Heritage Action.