“These signs will accompany those who believe: In My name they will cast out demons; they will speak with new tongues; they will take up serpents; if they drink any deadly thing, it will not hurt them; they will lay hands on the sick, and they will recover,” (Mark 16:17-19).
While not everyone may believe it, God is still performing signs and wonders today.
In an exclusive interview with Charisma Media, Pastor Brian Gibson discussed the miraculous signs he has seen in his church from gold dust and the appearing of oil, to the resurrection of the dead.
During one of Gibson’s services, he witnessed one of the most miraculous things possible: real life resurrection.
“I guess my preaching was so bad it was killing people,” Gibson joked, but he quickly emphasized the seriousness of the miracles. “Through the power of prayer, both of those guys were literally resurrected in front of the crowd. I’ve never witnessed anything like it. And that kicked off a move of the Spirit,” he says. The testimony of these resurrections spread like wildfire, drawing even more people into the revival.
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Gibson also mentions angelic visitations, and healings of cancer, heart disease, blindness and other conditions, in the revival setting that has taken over his church.
One of the most astonishing signs Gibson has seen is the appearance of gold dust. Once a skeptic himself, Gibson recalls first encountering a supernatural phenomenon more than 20 years ago. Initially dismissing it as bizarre and unbiblical, he set out to disprove it. However, his skepticism was shattered when he attended a prophetic meeting and was personally called out by a well-known prophet who accurately described his injured dog’s condition. After the prophet prayed, the dog’s leg was miraculously healed, which also lead Gibson’s father to salvation.
Since then, gold dust began appearing again in Gibson’s church—on people’s hands, in the air and even on the floor. Though critics may scoff, Gibson emphasizes that these signs are not the focus; rather, they point to a greater reality—God’s presence breaking into the natural realm.
“I wouldn’t even talk about it because I know the kind of harassment and what people are going to say, and it’s hard to explain,” Gibson says. “I’m a gospel preacher. So you know the guys that have deliverance ministries? I’m not that guy. I’m a gospel preacher. So, do I cast out devils? Yeah. Am I healing guy? No; I’m a gospel guy. So when I preach the gospel, people get healed. So for me, gospel is center. And these other manifestations, they happen because when you preach the gospel, stuff happens.”
One of these manifestations of God’s presence includes the pouring of oil on peoples’ hands at Gibson’s church. It is through witnessing these signs and wonders that Gibson sees the power of the gospel changing hearts and minds.
“Why do we need signs and wonders? They grab the attention of those that can’t be reached any other way.”
In a world hungry for evidence of a creator, God is revealing Himself in undeniable ways—reminding us that He is a sovereign, miracle-working Father who does immeasurably more than we could ever think, ask or imagine.
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Abby Trivett is content development editor for Charisma Media.