
Perfect Peace in a Very Unpeaceful World

When your mind is stayed on God, you are continually reminded of His faithfulness, sovereignty, and love. Instead of dwelling on “what ifs” or “how wills,” you choose to meditate on Who God is. This does not mean you ignore life’s challenges; rather, you view them through the lens of God’s Word.

The news over the past seven days out of North Carolina and California has left many of us with more than just unsettled hearts as a nation. We see the images of thousands of acres devastated by raging infernos while firefighters are hindered in their response by totally inept city and state governments. Our attention turns east toward North Carolina where we read about an ongoing FEMA disaster there. These are two stories among so many. With an imperfect and very unpeaceful world, how do we start this week with the perfect peace the Bible discusses? How do we begin this week with confidence in God’s control, authority, and protection?

You will keep him in perfect peace,

Whose mind is stayed on You,

Because he trusts in You. (Isaiah 26:3)

This text offers a profound yet simple truth: God provides perfect peace to the person whose mind is fixed on Him.

On this Monday, please allow me to direct your attention in three simple directions. First, this is a promise that speaks directly to the struggles of our everyday lives, reminding us of the faithfulness of God and His desire to calm our anxious hearts. The phrase “perfect peace” in the original Hebrew, from which this text comes, is shalom, emphasizing the completeness and fullness of this peace.

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