
Today’s Quick Word – 2 Kings 25:29-30

O that we all in the Western world, from the grass roots to those in authority, would learn this lesson today, and that our sovereign God’s Holy Spirit would move among us in power, bringing us all to our knees before him as we wait for Christ’s Return.

2 Kings 25:29-30  So Jehoiachin put aside his prison clothes and for the rest of his life ate regularly at the king [of Babylon]’s table.  Day by day the king [of Babylon] gave Jehoiachin a regular allowance as long as he lived.

This is how the Book of 2 Kings finishes.  For my birtthday, my dear wife gave me the Tyndale ‘Chronological Life Application Bible’, so let me share with you its helpful note on 2 Kings 25:30 –

“The book of 2 Kings opens with Elijah being carried to heaven – the destination of those who follow God.  But the book ends with the people of Judah being carried off to foreign lands as humiliated slaves – the result of failing to follow God.  The book of 2 Kings is an illustration of what happens when we make anything more important than God, when we make ruinous alliances, when our consciences become desensitised to right and wrong, and when we are no longer able to discern God’s purpose for our lives.  We may fail, like the people of Judah and Israel.

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