Is there a supernatural symbol of the end times we should be aware of?
In a recent video, Rabbi Jonathan Cahn detailed the supernatural blueprint pieces already circulating in our world today that believers must know about as we journey deeper into the end times.
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Perhaps one of the most significant signs in Revelation are the seven golden lampstands. These lampstands are undoubtedly a prophetic sign, connecting the church to the ancient menorah—the sacred lamp of God’s presence in the Tabernacle. It is this symbol of the menorah that was not only meaningful for the people of Israel long ago, but rather its significance plays a role in the second coming of Christ. Just as the menorah was lit by the oil of the Spirit—so too must the church be ignited by the fire of God’s presence before His return.
“This is the first tangible symbol given of the church,” Cahn says. “The symbol of the church is a menorah in one form or another…the church in Revelation is symbolized by that.”
Cahn also reveals that the state of the church today mirrors the warnings given to the seven churches in Revelation. Just as the early believers were called to overcome, so too must the modern church rise from compromise and embrace its divine calling. The shaking of the nations is upon us, and only those filled with the oil of the Holy Spirit will stand.
Rabbi Cahn then draws further connection between the ancient covenant and the unfolding prophetic timeline, showing that the return of Israel, the shifting of world powers and the gathering of nations are signs that the final fulfillment of God’s kingdom is near.
“It’s not about fear. We are never to fear the future if you’re saved,” Cahn says. “It’s about victory. It’s the end time generation. It’s a revelation generation.”
While we may be drawing near to the end, we don’t have to fear the future with the Lord on our side because greater is He who is in us than He who is in the world.
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Abby Trivett is content development editor for Charisma Media.