
5 Modern Signs of Christ’s Return You Need to Know About –

The world appears to be spiraling into chaos, and Rabbi Kirt Schneider’s series “Revelation Decoded” offers a biblical perspective on the “neon signs” of the end times. His insights provide clarity and urgency, encouraging reflection on the current state of society and its alignment with scriptural prophecy.

The Book of Revelation: A Call to Wake Up

The book of Revelation can be intimidating. Schneider explains, “The book of Revelation is hard to understand. It can be very confusing. There’s so much imagery we don’t know what to do with. And it’s scary.” Initially, it can feel as though it portrays “a different Jesus than the one” described in the Gospels. However, Revelation carries a critical message. As Schneider emphasizes, “Blessed is the one that studies and heeds the words of this book.” God included it in the Bible to prepare humanity for what lies ahead.

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Signs of the End Times

Schneider identifies key indicators that humanity is living in prophetic times. These signs include:

  • Moral Decay: “The breakdown of the family, the increase of divorce, the increase of adultery, the increase of immorality… this trajectory cannot be brought back to the center.” Brokenness within society continues to perpetuate itself, creating further instability.
  • Cultural Divisions: Referencing Matthew 24:7, Schneider highlights, “Nation will rise against nation,” explaining that the Greek word ethnos refers to people groups. He observes, “One people group will arise against another people group… the rights and the lefts, the liberals and those that stand for biblical morality.”
  • Loss of God’s Created Order: Shifts in societal norms reflect a departure from divine design. Schneider warns, “Parents are in jeopardy of losing custody of their children if a 12-year-old says that he thinks he’s a woman… it’s mind-boggling.” This signifies that “God’s created order of mankind has been abandoned.”
  • Unprecedented Technological Change: The rapid advancement of artificial intelligence poses profound cultural challenges. Schneider observes, “Who among us could have imagined 10 years ago the AI culture that we’re living in right now?” The development of AI relationships, especially romantic ones, is a sign of cultural disintegration.
  • Global Instability: Wars and shifting alliances contribute to worldwide unrest. Schneider states, “The division and the hatred in the world right now… it’s irreconcilable.” He describes society as being in “a whirlwind down into the pits of hell.”

Be Alert and Ready

While these signs are sobering, the message emphasizes vigilance rather than despair. Schneider explains, “We’re not in the darkness as the rest. In other words, if you and I are taking a hold of God’s Word and we’re standing on God’s Word, we’re not in darkness. We’re in light.”

Most importantly, Schneider reminds believers of Jesus’ words: “When you see these things happening, do not be afraid.” Although the world may seem out of control, redemption is near.

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It is essential to live with intentionality and devotion. Schneider emphasizes the need to “pick up our cross, bring our soul’s impulses under the subjection of the blade of God’s Word and of the Holy Spirit.” This preparation ensures readiness for Christ’s return.

The escalating chaos in the world aligns with biblical prophecy, serving as a reminder to remain steadfast. During these times, the words of Jesus offer clarity to all believers: “Behold, I come quickly, and My reward is with Me to give to each one, every one of us… according to what we have done” (Rev. 22:12).

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James Lasher is staff writer for Charisma Media.

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