
Stronger than Samson

Sampson’s story is amazing, for sure. It’s a warning to us all not to think of ourselves more highly than we ought to, and to take heed that we fall not into the great sins that Samson did. But there are several ways in which the story makes us long for a true Savior who will succeed where Samson fell. Jesus is that Savior.

One of the first sermon series I ever preached was on the life of Samson. I was new, at the time, to expository preaching, and I wanted to start with something manageable and familiar. Little did I know, a careful study of Judges 13-16 would radically alter my understanding of not just Samson, but of Christ Himself.

Let me back up, though. Almost everyone knows the story of Samson. He’s the guy with the super strength who gets his power from his long hair, right?

Well, not quite. The story beats, however, are familiar to us, despite how misunderstood the story is.

Samson starts off pretty promising. The Angel of the Lord (Jesus, before His incarnation), comes to tell Samson’s parents that though they are childless, they’re about to be blessed by God with a child. This child, however, will be special: He will be a Nazarite from birth. He would not touch wine or strong drink, he would have no contact with unclean things, and no razor would come upon his head.

If they didn’t say it aloud, surely Samson’s parents had to wonder whether or not their son was the seed promised in Genesis 3:15 who would crush the head of Satan. Perhaps, finally, a Savior had been born to deliver the Jews from both sin and their Philistine oppressors.

Instead, Samson falls in love with a Philistine woman, eradicating any hope that he may be the one. There are signs of strength, like when he kills a lion with his bare hands, strikes down thousands of Philistines, and carries away the literal gates of city. But for every feat of miraculous strength, there is a display of foolishness and sin.

The marriage to the Philistine doesn’t last long, and she’s ultimately burned by her countrymen. Later, Samson falls for a prostitute, and then finally the notorious Delilah herself. Eventually, his repetitious sins and foolish decisions catch up with him, and Samson reveals his Nazarite vows to Delilah, who sells him out to the Philistines.

Samson’s first defeat is a massive one. His hair is cut by Delilah and the vow is broken. Saddest of all, Samson has no idea that the Lord has departed him when he goes out to battle his adversaries. The Philistines humiliate him, bind him, blind him, and make him a slave.

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